Foods that smell better than they taste

That’s interesting. I guess I thought McDonald’s always used the processed fries that they use today. I read a while back that McD’s uses beef flavoring in their fries. I guess that really pissed off some people in India, not to mention vegetarians when they found out about that. I remember loving those fries when I was a kid but I can’t stand them now.

Sorry, kind of off subject, I know. :wink:

Lemons. My mouth is scrunching up just thinking about them.

LOL, I did the same thing once.
I guess I had never noticed that the cinnamon shaker my mom brought to the table with the buttered toast was cut glass and unlabelled, and that the jar of cinnamon in the spice cabinet was round and plain and had the word Cinnamon emblazoned across it. So one day when making toast on my own I used the labelled jar to make the toast - ick! Talk about nasty.

My mom later graciously showed me where she kept the cinnamon shaker for toast, which actually contained a blend of cinnamon and sugar. Thanks mom!

Or maybe she washed it too often. Unless she used one of those percolator thingies - I don’t know how they work.
But my drip coffee maker carafe only gets washed with soap on Sundays. The rest of the week we rinse it with hot water but don’t actually wash it. Makes the coffee taste better.
No really! :smiley:

Most Chinese food. It also looks better than it taste.

It’s not food, and it doesn’t smell good wither, but poop smells much better than it tastes.


Another one for popcorn.

Also, I immediately thought of baked beans. I’m not a big bean eater anyway, but the squooshiness and the blandness and the ugh when you taste them. Smells like summer heaven, though.

Coffee, sure. I’m surprised nobody’s mentioned tea, as well. You know, those crazy exotic tea tins (e.g. ‘mango-infused green tea’) that you invariably end up getting from relations at Christmas? They smell wonderful in all kinds of ways. But they taste pretty much like tea.

Where I am there are these guys that sell candied nuts on streetcorners. These freshly made candied nuts smell absolutely marvelous, but taste no where as good as the smell.

The almonds are OK.

I’ve never eaten a barbecue sandwich that tasted nearly as good as it smelled.

Bad coffee smells nowhere near as good as good coffee. Brew yourself up some schmancy coffee (I swear here as elsewhere by Batdorf & Bronson), and the smell, combined with its rich, clear, ruby-tinted color, tell you that you’re getting something a cut above the burnt shit at McDonald’s.

I’m mostly vegetarian – on rare occasions, when meat is about to get thrown out, I’ll eat it. Although meat smells wonderful to me, its flavor is always disappointing: it’s not nearly as savory as I expect it to be.

Of course, I’m eating crappy meat; if I ordered a nice juicy steak sometime, maybe it’d be different.
