Foods that you love in one form but hate in another

Like the title says. I’m looking for more than “I like this recipe more than this” but share whatever you feel is appropriate.

I think pineapple is one of the most wonderful things in the world. I will eat fresh pineapple until I get a tummy ache if I’m not careful. I cannot stand any form of cooked pineapple. Whether it’s on pizza or upside down cake I will not touch it.

I feel the same about spinach with a smaller gap between like and dislike. I like raw spinach in a salad. I hate any form of cooked spinach. I can stomach it if it’s part of another dish but just barely and only if the taste blends.

The one that leapt to my mind was asparagus.

I love it raw or barely steamed (meaning still crunchy), but overcook it, and I can’t gag it down no matter how much I adore whoever prepared it that way.

If you roast or air fry it until it’s crunchy again, I’m fine with it.

Obviously a texture thing.

I love cheese. I love pasta. I do not like macaroni & cheese in the slightest. There is no logical reason for this, of course, but it’s true. :slight_smile:

Oatmeal is disgusting crap, but I love oatmeal cookies. Same with buttermilk.

Sadly, my husband agrees with you about mac & cheese. That’s why I rarely get any!
He traces his dislike to some science class experiment he did in school involving yeast. :woman_shrugging:

Coffee. Hate the drink. Love the smell. Likes the ice cream and hard candy.

Lots of vegetables. I think raw broccoli is one of the most disgusting foodstuffs imaginable. The mouthfeel, the earthy taste… just gross. Cooked broccoli? Absolutely delicious. Spinach, tomatoes, zucchini, etc. There are a ton of vegetables I can’t stand raw but enjoy cooked.

I love raw carrots but cannot eat cooked carrots. They are yucky!

Cucumbers are disgusting, but I love pickles.

Kale in particular, but any sort of tough leafy green. They’re good when they’re cooked. I’m all about kale/all kinds of greens in recipes. Raw, though? Nope. Not a fan. I don’t want a kale salad. If the recipe includes uncooked kale (or other non-lettuce greens), I’ll disregard that and cook it anyway.

There’s also beans. I love refried beans and beans in burritos. And I like baked beans enough to buy some maybe twice a year. Most other forms, though, are in the “I’ll eat it without complaint if it’s what’s on offer, but wouldn’t choose it myself” category. Except for beans in soup. Those are nasty. I’ll only eat those if it would be straight-up rude not to, like if someone made minestrone especially for me.

Cucumber is okay, if not bitter … pickles aren’t food. They’re not even what food eats (e.g. lettuce and such).

ETA: response to @Shoeless

Cheese, in any way shape or form is utterly repulsive to me. EXCEPT on pizza, which is probably my favorite food. And even then, it can only be mozzarella. No quattro formaggi for me, paisan.

One that I think may be pretty common is tomatoes. I love any pretty much any tomato based sauce but I won’t eat raw ones.

Exact same dynamic for me. It’s the gooey-ness that turns me off I think.

The only way I can eat it is if I sprinkle a ton of pepper on it.

Tinned tuna.
Love it cold in salad, hate it in anything hot.
(and i hate all other fish in any form)

Raw onions. I like raw onions on almost everything but I can’t stand it in mac and cheese.
I think they do something to frozen spinach, I can’t eat it anymore.

I enjoy fresh fruit. I can’t stand most baked/cooked fruit - fruit pies are right out. Jams and jellies are fine, though.

I enjoy fresh carrots. Roasted carrots, the couple of times I had them were…edible, but were weird, and I didn’t want more. Steamed carrots are one of the very few foods I’ve ever spit out as an adult.

I like spinach in most forms as long as its part of something else. Cooked spinach, by itself, is one of the other very few foods I’ve ever spit out as an adult. I’ve had creamed spinach that I really enjoyed, and creamed spinach that I spit out (that probably doesn’t count for this thread, since that was probably down to recipe, not form).

I love minty things, and love chocolate. I even like peppermint patties.

But I can’t stand putting minty and chocolate together (outside of the patties). Mint-oreos-dipped-in-chocolate? No thanks.

Cheese. I like cheese that hasn’t been melted. I like fully melted cheese / queso dip. I hate half melted cheese. Most pizza, enchiladas, quesadillas, cheese casseroles, etc. IMHO half melted cheese in those kinds of foods has the texture of snot. The orange-red grease from the cheese on top of many deep dish cheese type pizzas is especially nasty :face_vomiting:.

I hated onions as a kid in pretty much any form. I’ve grown to accept them raw, like on a sandwich or a burger. I still don’t care for them caramelized but can usually make a tentative peace with it. But I cannot, under any circumstances, tolerate an onion on pizza. I don’t quite know why, but I won’t even attempt to pick them off because the ‘onion juice’ is still prevalent and it totally grosses me out.

Fresh peas, either raw eaten right out of the pod or lightly cooked and buttered, are yummy.

Canned peas, on the other hand, are nauseating. They have a sickly sweet tinny flavor that grosses me out. I think it’s because it was my mother’s vegetable of choice when I was growing up.

Fresh, unpasteurized apple juice is awesome - it’s like biting into a fresh crisp apple. The pasteurized stuff has been cooked and tastes like canned applesauce to me. No, thanks.