Football Pick 'Em - It's so EASY anyone can do it

I have set-up a Yahoo! Football Pick 'Em. In this, you pick who you think will win each game. I have confidence rankings turned on, and spread turned off. For more details, check out Yahoo’s site.

You’ll need the group ID and password to join (join a PRIVATE group):

Group ID: 15127
Password: ceciladams

There can be up to 50 competitors. Please include your SDMB user ID in your “team” name.

Thanks, sign up now! First games are this Friday,picks need to be in 30 minutes before the first game!

The site to sign up is:

You’ll need a Yahoo! ID. Is there anyone left without one?

Okay, Joey, I’m in.

I’m in too.

I’m in, but I have a question.

In various pools I’ve been in, the confidence levels worked where you could only assign one level to each game. Therefore, you assigned the top levels to the games you thought was a gimme win for one team, and the lowest to the ones you thought could go either way, but each team had exactly one number and no numbers repeated. It doesn’t look like it works that way with this league, and the quickie definition of Yahoo’s version of confidence levels doesn’t seem to answer my question. It appears as if I could give every game a confidence level of 15, and that doesn’t seem fair–if you can do that, why have confidence levels to begin with?

So am I wrong? I don’t want to do it the way I’m used to if that’s not the way it’s supposed to work.

Drain: I was mistakenly thinking the same thing you are, but apparently you can only have one game ranked at 15, one at 14, etc. per week. So, your rankings will be equal to 120 points a week.

I just tried to enter a pick with all the confidences the same and it game me errors: “You have more than one selection for confidence: 2”

So it does check to make sure each confidence is unique.

Thanks for joining, Drain Bead, Montfort, xizor, and Smug. We have room for 45 more “teams”, so spread the word and join up!

I’m in, with picks already submitted.


Now I can’t get THIS damned thing to register me! And I love football picks! Yahoo hates me!

Can someone register me? My yahoo ID is suzette100
Let me know if someone is able to register me. Thanks!

Can’t register you without a password. What’s the problem when you register? Can’t log on to yahoo, browser crashes, what?

If you want me to try to register you, you can e-mail me your password…


I created a new Yahoo! id for you. Check your e-mail and it should have the login and password for you…


I’m trying to access it now, but I’m having trouble because…YAHOO SUCKS. Seems like lately it won’t let me do anything. Piece of crap. (And yes, all my settings are right- trust me. It’s Yahoo.)

thanks a bunch!

If worse comes to worst, I’ll post your picks for you every week…

okay I’m in. I’m such a sucker for all the free sports pools on the internet these days.

Im in, sounds like fun :stuck_out_tongue:

We’re up to 12 teams. There are only 38 spots open. Hurry hurry hurry.

This is not a bump.

Thanks Joey - it looks like fun.

This is not bump either.

I’m in- thanks for helping!

Spooje is in!
But I had to sign up as spooje2000 because SOMEONE ELSE HAD SIGNED UP AS SPOOJE IN YAHOO SPORTS! I couldn’t believe it. What is the world coming to?

Two Words: Blood Everywhere

I’m a newbie poster/long time lurker, but I’m in if it will help you fill to fifty!