For Canadian Sue...Join Me Fellow Dopers

I don’t usually post this type of message. But our fellow doper and friend, Canadian Sue, could sure use our encouragement and strength at this time.
Her sweet child, boy-o by pet name, is undergoing some very rough times right now. Not to go into any details because I’m not one to post someone else’s personal life on a message board, boy-o has some medical problems that seem to be flairing up right now and our friend Sue is going through a very trying time. He’s the sweetest kid you would ever want to meet, my heart is weeping for both of them right now because the unknown is the hardest thing to face.
Sue keep your chin up, many many people are with you in thoughts and prayers.
It’s hard to understand why things are the way they are sometimes. But when that little boy smiles, geesh it just lights up everyone around him.


{{{{{Canadian Sue and boy-o}}}}}

Hope everything gets better soon…you’ll be in my thoughts.

Geeze, Sue I didn’t know that, {{{Sue and Ethan}}}. I’ll send you an e-mail. You are in my thoughts and prayers. and I hope thngs turn out for the best.

Take Care



You know where we live… call if you need anything okay?

Oh Jees.

I dont know what to say.

I hope things get better soon - that seems so impotent.

I wish I could do something for you. :frowning:

((((((((Sue and boy-o))))))))

I hope everything turns out well. You’ll be in my thoughts and prayers.

You know how much I hate doing this, but just for you :


Let me know if I can do anything for you, you hear?

From my family to yours…we’re thinking of you.
Love, Graeme and family

Hugs! I hope things get better soon.

Sue, you’ve been such a great friend to me during this past month…if there is anything I can do to help you know, please don’t hesitate to let me know. My thoughts are with you and boy-o.


All the best to you and yours, Sue.

Sue keep the faith. Things have a way of working out. I wish I could do something for you in your time of need. But I bet you and boy-o are both tough customers and will battle your way through these hard times no matter what they are. God bless.

If ya need anything hun - I am a 15 minute drive away…

My thoughts are with you.

Ditto what Feynn said. You have our number, call anytime, and I mean it. I would call you, but I don’t want to intrude if it’s a bad time…

Hugs to you- I wish you the strength to get through this ordeal. Please e-mail me if you want to vent/chat.


Sue…prayers and good thoughts from our family to yours…

Be sure to take care of yourself too :slight_smile:

Thank you so much everyone. Hopefully in the next week or so we will know more, at this point the doctor feels this is very serious and thats just something I wasn’t prepared for. I’ll keep you posted

We appreciate your thoughts and prayers, they mean alot to me.

Dear Sue~

You are a dear sweet lady, and although I have never met your daring boy, I feel I know him through your posts and emails. Both of you deserve the very best that life can offer.

You are in my thoughts and prayers, and please email me if you want a shoulder to cry on, or an ear to vent to.



There’s nothing worse than someone you love being sick, is there? This is me heaving positive vibes in your direction. Itllbeokayitllbeokayitllbeokay…

Sue, give your boy-o a kiss for us!

Sue, I’ve said it before, and I’ll say it again: you’re the closest thing to SuperMom. Your positive attitude has pulled you and your son through many things by now, no doubt.

I hope all is well with your kid. Hang in there, sweetheart.