My brother-in-law finally fucking died. While his friends are sad about it, his family is rejoicing. Miserable, abusive shit that he was his entire life.
I had to have the large cyst on the back of my neck emptied out. 10 days of NSAIDS and doxycyclene didn’t do the trick so the doctor cut it and removed all the nasty cheese. Another week of doxy and bandages and hopefully it will be over. Yes, that’s right: the cyst was more shitty than my B-I-L’s death.
My cousin died last week. I never knew he even existed until 2007, but he turned out to be a better brother than my own brother, who died last December.
One of my children is an addict. Some years ago, I talked about my efforts to get him off of oxycontin, which, as far as I know, were successful. But alcohol became a substitute, and he had off and on success staying off of it. A successful addict, he was able to hide his use and the physical effect it was having on him. Two weeks ago, he went into the ER and had to have a paracentesis (liquid drainage). Last week, at age 41, he was admitted to the ICU with a failing liver, chronic pancreatitis, a bowel blockage and difficulty breathing. He’s lost about 50 pounds. The consulting surgeon says they can probably get him to a certain stage of recovery, but I’m despairing.
Hey Chefguy, sorry to read all of this. Well, except for the death of your “miserable abusive shit” brother-in-law.
I hope that you can remain cyst-free, and most of all that your son pulls through this and makes some changes. And yes, fuck October. I hope things get better.
Yeah. I’m not good at sharing close or family stuff here, but I’ll say I’ve had better months than this one. Tore up my knee pretty badly at the start, and while it’s healing… all muscle damage, luckily… it’s been a millstone for ten other things I can’t handle well while gimped. Loud and persistent notice of getting old.
Your month sounds worse, but I really, really get it. Here’s to a better holiday season.
My daughter says he’s being discharged today, which is a surprise. A family member will be with him 24/7 and my daughter is trying to find a therapist that will take state aid. He’s just the latest casualty in a family with a long, dismal history of alcohol abuse. My father died in a crappy motel room at age 53, drowning in his own blood from a rupture in his neck. Cripes, what a shit show.
That bites, chefguy. I hope you can vent to and get strength from a peer group a la Al-Anon, about your son. It’s tough having an addict for a close family member, but there’s a lot of support out there.