I found out yesterday my ex-husband is in the hospital again and this time it is really bad. It was under a year ago that his alcoholism sent his body over the edge. He had kidney failure and is liver was barely hanging on. He almost died.
He was there over two weeks before we even knew. I am not sure why his sister did not call sooner but by the time she contacted us he was pretty much out of the woods. She said she could not find my number. He spent one more day after we visited him and then he went to a rehab center for two days and then home.
Other than one small bought with a bleeding ulcer a month or so later he has been okay or so we thought. As far as we knew he had stopped drinking. We had a falling out in April about child support and I had not spoken with him since then.
This time it does not look good. He has bleeding in his intestines. They have given him over ten pints of blood and he has went into shock. They now have him on a ventilator and he is sedated. His liver is bad. They said if his liver shows now sign of regeneration in the next 48 to 72 hours then there is nothing else they can do. He does have a living will but only the clause about not being kept alive on life support.
His sister said he started drinking again. She was not sure when but she thinks about a month ago. I am not sure how she came up with that time frame.
I feel so bad for our children. I have no love left for the man but I love my children more than life it self so of course I will be there for them.
It is hard though. I have so much anger and resentment towards him. It is hard for me to admit that it has been nice having him out of my life for the last 6 months. I feel bad now for feeling that way. When our daughter turned 18 on October 21st I was relieved that I would never have to deal with him again and now this happens.
I am angry that he was never a very good father and even a worse parent. He is leaving his kids with a house on the verge of foreclosure and no life insurance policy. They are only 18 and 20. They should not have to deal with this at such a young age and I am angry at him for it.
Of course I will help all I can and his one sister seems to be dealing with most of it. We are going to go and see him today. It was to late to go last night. I fear for what my children will walk into seeing him like that in ICU.
I know in my mind that alcoholism is a tough disease but my heart wants to just say he is a selfish person for hurting his children this way. I want to ask him why he could not pay child support but he must have found enough money to drink himself to death. Then I feel bad for even thinking that way.
I am still in shock over this whole thing. He just turned 49 last month.