? For Doper's who've been on Jeopardy

Do they make the podiums safe to kick? I always wonder if contestants get the urge to kick teh podium if they get something wrong.

I wouldn’t know, but I never got the urge to kick the podium. I just gritted my teeth. I will say that getting something wrong was far less frustrating than knowing the answer and getting out-buzzed.

I think the lecterns are quite sturdy, and would withstand a lot of kickage. However, vertically-challenged contestants have to stand on plastic crates so that they will appear taller. Kicking the lectern while standing on a teetery crate (or, as in my case, two teetery crates) would be a very risky undertaking.

I agree with MilTan that being buzzer-beaten is more upsetting than giving a wrong response.

You don’t have time to kick anything, you’re completely focused.

They’re now built-in lift-able platforms. You stand on a square of floor and they smoothly lift it up until your head is the proper height. In my first game, the returning champion was at least nine inches taller than me, so my platform was pretty high up.

I’d agree both that the podiums seem awfully solid and that it never occurred to me to kick one.

Sure, most people would be able to contain themselves, but you never know. But, if you did damage something out of anger, I’m sure it would cost you.