For people who like ridiculous heat in the MMP

Did online training for about 12 hours today. Eyes are crossed and I just know I will dream about this shit and I am not even close to being done because in addition to the regular employee stuff I have a set of supervisory stuff that mirrors the other. Oh joy! But, I was able to do it from home and actually from a lying down position at least part of the time

Hubs cooked and we finished up a bunch of leftovers.

Heat? Hate it. And I live in the subtropics. This is why we have A/C and hubs is an HVAC contractor so I shan’t be hot ever. I am not really fond of cold either and for me 60F is cold.

I have not read all yet and like VOW I am not fond of the site. And thanks for that IP website Punchfork. Great recipes there. OK. Off to catch up with you chatty lot.

62nd message on the MMP this Moanday, that might be a new Moanday record.

Not much to report, did go out for dinner (Red Robin-YUM!) and then got caught watching some Night Court clips which led me to the MASH finale, which took me to a 30th anniversary MASH reunion, which…pretty much brought me here.

Vow, I used to have those “so bad I’d throw up” headaches when I was younger, but they tailed off in my 20’s and I can’t even remember the last one I had, so maybe things will get better for the kids, too.

flyboy, thanks for the pics, nice job.

shoe, glad Pretzel is doing well.

OK, need to head off to readin’ and sleepin’, have a braunsweiger run and banking to do tomorrow morning. All y’all take care.


If the Lidocaine injections work for your son, sounds like his neurologist will have to do battle against the insurance carrier to justify the continuation of treatment. The doctors are sharp: they know just what to say and how to say it, especially to keep your son working and paying for the insurance.

If your son was using Imitrex daily, he was probably also getting rebound headaches. I got those from Cafergot, along with cold hands and feet!

Gabapentin, ugh. One dose of that, and my throat swelled.


Up, caffeinated, and sheveled. Off to work.

@peccavi do you live somewhere with very dark winter days e.g. Arctic? If not, I would like to go to there. I’m so tired of heat, and doubly tired of humidity. (“Oh, it’s only 81, should be pretty nice out OH MY GAH why is my brain melting out my ears?!”)

I just gave Nikki a scritch and she did that trillCHIRP thing cats do when you startle them mid-purr. Guess she was lost in her little kitty thoughts and didn’t know I’d walked up.

I love that sound! :slight_smile:

Good Mornin’ Y’all! Up and caffeinatin’. YAWN ‘Tis 76 Amurrkin out and clear with a predicted high of 88 (BRRR!) and allegedly rain this afternoon and over the next two days. We shall see. We did get rain overnight which was wunnerful as my sinuses are waaaaaay better this mornin’. The large item on today’s agenda is laundry cause we know how to live it up. Sup shall be tacos 'n fixin’s cause it’s Taco Tuesday. OLÉ!

FlyBoy the shed looks great! I am impressed. :clap: :clap: :clap:

Shoe glad Pretzel is feelin’ better. Also I’m impressed you can tell that a snake is feelin’ better. Don’t know if I’d be able to tell that myself. I suppose if I had a snake I might figure it out however.

Now I need more caffeine and to feed rumbly tummy. Then, onward into the day! Rah.

Happy Tuesday Y’all!

Morning, mumpers! I’ve just had an hour-long meeting with my boss on skype to talk about our move to MS Teams :slight_smile: amongst other things. Got some decisions made and have progressed a bunch of stuff which is good news.

I asked a question that has apparently opened a particularly large can of worms, they’re now dancing around refusing to co-operate and get back in their can.

shoe good news on the Pretzel, I’m glad snek feels better and is back to eating stuff.

Flyboy I am impressed with the work on the shed, looks really good!

Yesterday was cool and wet, today it’s warmer but still quite breezy with blue skies and a hint of sun. The weathermonger said it’s going to get hot for the weekend which means our idiot neighbours will be outside all night with the 80s techno blaring out. They currently have a sofa in the garden which has been outside for a few days now, I’m tempted to throw a bunch of mustard/cress seeds at it and see what grows.

I pulled out the pouch I bought to hold my passport, etc, when out and about on furrin soil, and my phone fits in it nicely. I’ll try to use that instead of my pockets, thereby (I hope) reducing the chance of phone-in-terlit. It’ll get its first test today when I take Roxy to the park.

Daughter is going to her school to help set up their remote tech stuff for the new school year, so I’ll wrangle the young 'un while she’s gone. Then FCD has a couple of customers coming this afternoon, but I already mowed, so I can lie low while he deals with them.

That pretty much sums up my plans for today. I’ve been doing some googling for furniture stores, since we intend to replace our living room once the kids take all the old stuff. We’re thinking a sofa and a couple of recliners, plus new end tables. I think the only thing that will remain are the lamps - we like our lamps. And I think I’ll make new drapes for the front window. Most of all, I want to get some color into the room. We’ve had shades of brown for over a decade - I want some red or burgundy.

Saddle up! Onward into the day! Happy Tuesday!!

Not really mundane, and I don’t intend to bring the room down, but I woke to a news story on CNN that hit’s close to home - literally. There was a woman killed by a shark attack off Bailey Island, Harpswell, ME. I’ve spent a lot of time in Harpswell and on Bailey Island and there are people I know personally who if you told me they were swimming in the ocean off Bailey Island at any time of day or night I would not be surprised, so I’m a bit on pins and needles wondering if it’s someone I knew.

Happy Toosday!

Was a bit overcast this morning but every now and then the sun comes out.
Not too hot now, nice breeze, but it’s supposed to get up to 88 later today.

Busy morning at the dog park. I don’t know what has gotten into Ripple, but this it the third day in a row that he has been full of energy. It tickles everybody to see him out there running with the other dogs. Echo and Lily got into a fight. I’d just let them go but Lily’s mom will get up to break it up. Usually all we have to do is pull them apart for a few minutes until they cool down, then they kiss, literally, and make up.
Tucker has a home now. The people who came to check him out are coming to get him Firday. They live 2 counties over, so I’m sure we’ll not see him again.

Nice job FlyBoy More irk than I want to do.

I’m hurting today and I don’t know why. I woke up several times, just hurting.
The last time I woke up, around 4, I stayed up. I started ordering groceries last night and about half way through the order the website was having issues. I wanted to order ham and I got a message that there was no ham in the store. Don’t tell me there is NO ham in the store. So I got up and finished the order this morning. I wanted the first pick up slot so we can get done before it gets too hot.
My son is not going to be too happy when he has to carry this order in, it’s a big one.

After that, I’ll irk for a few hours.
Then we are going out for ice cream for Echo’s birthday.
I want to go to Brusters for the good stuff, but I know my son won’t want to get out of the truck, so it’ll probably be DQ.

At some point I’m going to have to rearrange the pantry, really just a big cabinet. There was a lot of stuff on sale, so I need to make room for the big order.

Peccavi, your weather sounds wonderful. When I was irking, and thus going outside every day (house to car, car to store, store to car and back for NOL, &c), I generally didn’t put on a jacket until the temps dipped down below 30. And of course I wore short-sleeved shirts because anything heavier would have had me sweating whilst trying to accomplish things during the day.

Flyboy, nice work on the shed. If I’d known you were planning such a project I’d have offered you mine to practise on. :smiley: It’s in dire need of repair, but if I were a GURPS character I’d have Mechanically Inept as at least a five-point disadvantage.

So do I. Angel, like all cats, becomes rather vociferous when it’s feeding time. What I hear is mostly chirps and squeaks, though I’m sure there are other tones I can’t hear. Alice, on the other hand, used to make lower-pitched grumbling noises.

Currently 81, heat index 86, predicted high 89, mostly NOS with a 30% chance of t-storms later. Heat advisory still in effect until 2000.

Laundry today, mostly jeans and light-coloured stuff like shirts, socks, and knickers. (Washed my skivvies yesterday; really ought to get them stowed now…) Other than that, just avoiding the weather and finishing my ILL so it can go back to the library tomorrow.

Today is cooler. Mid 80s with normal humdity. That I can deal with. What I can’t deal with is going to the office so I will be irking from home. I get what I call baby migraines. Usually weather related, I get a headache and sick to my stomach and no energy. Oral sumatriptan works fine for these.

@purplehorseshoe I’m in coastal Los Angeles, a couple of miles from the beach. I believe our municipal codes require sunshine at lest 85% of the day, so right now we’re in violation. :sunglasses:

Good morning, y’all. I’m having a hard time keeping track of the days. I was convinced that yesterday was Friday-- it wasn’t, was it? There isn’t much to distinguish one day from the next. Except putting the trash cans out. Can’t miss that.

The days themselves have taken on a flowing quality with no events to break up the flow. I get up and usually walk for about 45 minutes, then make coffee and toast and check in here and with online news sources. (No TV news-- my heart can’t take it.) After that… the day is an aimless swirl of non-specific, unscheduled, non-events. Sometimes there’s a nap. On Saturday morning (I have to look at my phone to note what day it is) I do laundry. Other than that, there’s virtually nothing scheduled outside my house. Oh, one short walk per day with my dog Sweetie. I don’t see anyone in person, except the occasional medical or hair appointment. One person checks in by text, another with an occasional phone call. Zoom synagogue on Friday night.

Yesterday, I woke up at 5 am, walked at 6:30 when it was a tolerable 76 degrees (87% humidity, however), came back and had coffee with (change of pace!) a pan dulce, perused the web, then… soup for lunch, walk for Sweetie, a nap, and the next thing I knew it was bedtime. Fortunately, I’m naturally lazy and don’t feel a need or drive to be productive. So I’m mostly just observing this vanilla-pudding existence, grateful that I don’t have to work, or worry about anyone else (even though, paradoxically, I’m lonely because I don’t have anyone to worry about).

Maybe I can flow aimlessly and unconsciously to the end of this quarantine-lockdown-pandemic. Just snap to, bright-eyed and bushy-tailed one day, and it will all be over and life will be back to normal with classes, choir, book club, lunches out, shopping trips, and HUGS!

Prolly not…

Thanks for the kudos, everyone. Considering the original structure was rather shoddy (despite its longevity), and that I had no clue what I was doing, I think it turned out OK. I’m glad I brought our guy in to do the flashing and roof roll. I would have done it wrong – not to mention dealing with a heavy asphalt roll and tar with two destroyed knees.

I’m glad it’s done. But I haven’t even counted the number of other projects I have to undertake.

I like the heat, and I’m totally okay that I don’t have air conditioning. What more can I say?

Update - no one I knew. It was some one visiting from New York. Could have been a seasonal person. Bummer either way, but at least I don’t have to make any sad phone calls today.

Just got news that the half-sister of one of my cow-orkers died in Florida, a week after contracting COVID. :frowning:

I wish we could persuade FCD’s folks to leave FL and come stay with us for a while. I hate that they’re insistent on staying in that state.

Depends on how long you slept when you went to bed on Friday night! :wink:

I took a short 35 minute walk this morning, then took Roxy to the playground by daughter’s school. Daughter was there to work with one of the others on staff, but he was late arriving, so she came over to see us for a little bit. It was still early and cool-ish. It didn’t last long.

Back from the playground - it was HOT HOT HOT and pretty crowded by the time I forced Roxy to leave (I’m so mean!!) She’s had a little lunch and now she’s hanging with her Papa. I’m having the last of the leftover pasta for lunch.

I need to call SiriusXM and get them to cut the cost of FCD’s subscription. No way it’s worth $20/month!! If it was my choice, I’d cancel both subscriptions, but that’s another story. Anyway, I’ll deal with that shortly. I also need to make dentist appts with our new dentist and get our records transferred from the old place. So my afternoon should be exciting.

Just came in from sitting out on my front porch for an hour, starting at 9am CDT, out of the sun, in the shade. My damn way too long hair (another whole bite in the butt) was soaking wet in the back. Just not fair! Heat and humidity is my downfall-that must be why I’m a night person.

On the porch (Covid safety for us both-still wore masks) to meet with the financial advisor from our local Aging agency. She was helping me with filling out my Homestead property tax Exemption, 401k rollover and budgeting. I hate all of that kind of adulting (& depressing) stuff so much I’m giving myself the rest of the day off. Gonna SD, read NYT/AP/NPR online to catch up with news, then maybe dive into a library book til it’s time to submerge myself into SD again.

My housemate got up at 6am to help me get ready for the budgeting visit (her normal wake up is about 11am, a real labor of love from her) so she is going to be treated to a contactless takeout pickup meal from our favorite Chinese restaurant. Appetizers and Szechwan here-we-come. That long anticipated dream meal will happen after the first SD marathon. Hopefully enough Ming’s leftovers for supper, num-num.

Sitting on the loveseat in the living room, looking down the full open length of my house to the breeze in the trees view above the bay windows in the dining room. I look up to rest my eyes from reading SD on the whiz-bang iPad. Ah, the good life.

So, good morning all. May you all do only what you want to today and nothing you don’t want to. Looking forward to y’all checking in.
