For the love of my knee!!!

I know, you’re not my doctor, etc…

As a matter of fact, I’ve been to my doctor at least four times and to the ER twice to find out that I have a “sprained knee” and a “contusion.” I fell on a sidewalk in January and landed straight on my knee. Nothing was broken according to the x-rays. I was just told to ice it, etc. I walk quite a bit as a student and there’s no way around it so I walked with a cane for about 5 weeks. My doctor last told me that this sort of injury takes 6-8 weeks to heal. Well, it’s been 10 1/2 weeks and my knee is still bruised and still swollen. I am significantly overweight and I’m sure that this plays somewhat of a part but I don’t know how much. Yes, it is much better than it was in the beginning but it’s driving me crazy! It still hurts to wear anything other than fricking stretchy pants because they’re too tight around me knee and I am NOT a stretchy pants person. :stuck_out_tongue:

Thoughts (other than wear skirts and lose weight)? :wink:

I am not a medical professional but I have used knees for years.

After 10 weeks of swelling I would find someone else to visit. In my experience, ERs deal with emergencies (any bones sticking out?) and GPs don’t have the equipment to diagnose knee problems. Perhaps you have torn a ligament or tendon? Those don’t show up on x-rays. I have been to many, many doctors over the years for knee problems and the results can vary a lot. I would suggest getting a referral to an orthopedist. Sometimes they can tell what is going on via manipulation, sometimes they need an MRI.

Go see an orthopedic doctor that specializes in knee problems.

Yes, definitely do this. X-rays don’t tell you anything about the ligaments that might be damaged. You may need an MRI. As for what to wear, can you get a compression sleeve on your knee? That could help with swelling and maybe allow you to get your jeans around it.

You are going to have to go back to the doctor’s office. With knee injuries, it very much depends on what ligament/tendons, etc you have damaged what the best course of action is.

Ok, I just called and made another appointment. I should have mentioned two important obstacles. I have no insurance and the doctor that I go to is the one in the clinic at the university that I go to. I also just tried to call a local program that assists low income, no insurance people in my county and their program has been suspended. I wish I felt like I had more options.

I have lots of experience with knee injuries including one currently in progress. It is frustrating. It seems to go on and on. You have had a doctor’s opinion and know that there is no structural damage. You have started to feel a slight recovery. That tells me that your level of activity is not so great that you are continually re-injuring the knee. It will get better on it’s own. Just do the minimum. This may seem strange, but I recommend you forget about it. I know it’s always there, but what you can do is something called disassociation. Don’t keep waiting with every breath to feel an improvement. Take care of school. Take care of business. This will go away.

Well, I’ve got an appointment scheduled at school next week with one of the sports medicine doctors and since I can’t figure out how I’d get an MRI anyways, I may have no other choice than to take Al Bundy’s advice if they don’t have a brilliant insight for me.

I injured my knee last year, went to a GP who said go home and wait, went back, he said wait longer. I said stuff you, I know my own body (have had knee surgery before), I know when something is serious … and went to another GP who sent me for an MRI. 2nd GP said no need for immediate surgery but referred me to see an orthopedic surgeon. Surgeon said we need to operate as soon as possible - and he was right! After surgery my knee has never been better!

No way would I rely upon a GP (I’ve also been involved in their ongoing training - given me even more reason to doubt their skills!).

Please don’t believe that because you’re overweight you don’t deserve medical treatment. You have as much right to get the correct diagnosis/treatment as a footballer! You just might have to make a fuss (I come from another country so have no idea about costs in yours!). The longer you have a sore knee, the more likely you will put on more weight - I’ve been there, done that!

I went to see a very nice (and very cute) sports medicine doctor at school today. He was surprised that my knee was still as bruised as it is. He poked and prodded my knee thoroughly and determined the following…

I either need to strengthen my knee or else I probably tore my meniscus and will have to find another doctor.

He gave me some exercises to do and said that I should do them once a day for the next 1-2 weeks and in that time frame it should reduce the swelling and feel better. If it didn’t feel better or if the exercises made it feel worse, then…

So, here’s hoping that exercise does the trick!

Well, have you started those exercises, Missy?


(fingers crossed)

Yes I did! :smiley:

And my knee hurts like hell right now. Although I’d imagine it’s mostly from all of the poking and prodding that he did.

It can take a long time to heel. But after 10 weeks you should see an orthopedist and consider an MRI. Even if you have no permanent injury you should still get physical therapy. You’re using your two knees in an unbalanced way now. That is weakening your injured knee, and wearing your good one. You need to strengthen both knees and regain balance. You also need to lose weight (yeah, I know). Knee problems suck, and they only get worse if you don’t get them treated properly. I spent 20 years carrying most of the weight of my bulging abdominal muscles on just one leg, and both knees will pay for it for the rest of my life.

In the meantime, do what you can to help any inflammation heal - NSAIDs might be helpful, use an ice pack when you can; you can even freeze a bit of water in, say, a bathroom paper cup and do “ice massage” where you rub the ice directly on the area for a few minutes (not too long, risk of frostbite etc.).

Avoid hot tubs - I found out the hard way with that. Hotel had a hot tub. It felt LOVELY. But it increased swelling in the knee and aggravated the existing pain, and it ached for several weeks.

Bed: Sleep with a pillow between your knees if you sleep on your side, or under them if you sleep on your back - to help relieve stress / pressure on the joint.

Sounds like you might have an arrowhead stuck in there.

Awesome! Think of the stories I could tell. :slight_smile:

And thanks for the advice, Mama Zappa. One of the biggest things that would probably help (aside from losing weight) is using NSAIDS, however, I can’t take them with the other meds that I’m on. I’m hoping that the exercises work.

I’ve been away from the boards for awhile, however, I just wanted to stop in and say that I finally have an appointment scheduled with an orthopedic clinic that works on a sliding scale fee basis. My appointment is next week, it took me about a month to get in.

I’d say that there is something wrong with my knee because it’s been over four months since I fell and it’s still bruised and swollen. Hopefully it will be a simple fix…

I’ve been watching this thread with interest, as I have a similar issue, although it’s not due to a fall, and it’s above the knee. But I identify with the ongoing swelling and the inability to wear any pants that are slightly snug. My MRI (and other tests) showed nothing, so if your doctor comes up with any alternative tests/procedures, then they are things I might consider too.