Chicago looks like a good bet.
You gotta wonder what this google ad’s all about
Gay and Lesbian Track Team.
Where the girls throw a shot and they guys skip merrily …
/one ticket.
//they’d be the best dressed team
///Heterosexual Agenda?
Now THAT made me laugh!
They run in heels and wigs - it’s a drag race
Oh, well, then feel free to start your own organization. What specifically do these organizations say that your and your friends find so distasteful?
I did say “generally.” Selectively read, Roddy, selectively read.
I think that’s the best responses I’ve had in, well, ever! I need to constantly misread what others post. The QE guys would be so proud!!
That’s queen to you, darling.
Wow! For a 92 year old man he has had a VERY busy day!
Falwell, Dobson, Wildmon, Robertson, Phelps?,…
Two points, as politely put as I can muster (because you seem to be intentionally trying to provoke):
I speak for me. I don’t pretend to speak for other people. I don’t need to start or belong to any organization to exist in this condition. I do not need to be “represented” as a gay person. As for what these organizations espouse that I find distasteful, that is too long to go into here. I will consider starting a pit thread about HRC another time.
What you said was
The word “generally” modified the word “acknowledged”, not the odious expression “queers who care”. How dare you presume that I either must acknowledge the leadership of these groups, or else be lumped as a queer who “doesn’t care”, whatever the hell that might mean in your perfervid imagination.
Frankly, I’d prefer Hefner, Robert Anton Wilson, Guccione, Flynt, and Erica Jong.
I think the bunch in your panties is caught on the stick up your ass.
Is this the best you can do to win an argument? Do you feel at a disadvantage when it comes to the actual issues addressed? Do you have anything of substance to say? Don’t be shy, dear.
Queer fight!
O.K. The Google ad at the bottom right now is creeping me out. How did that end up here?
This really makes no sense or am I missing something?
Perhaps because of Post #30?
As far as I know these gay organizations exist simply to eliminate invidious discrimination against homosexuals. So I think Otto got it right to say that they represent every “queer that cares” about being treated equally.
Now as far as people saying “hey, I didn’t elect them!” Well, tough shit. There are lots of leaders out there who don’t speak for everyone they represent. Hell, even with our elected representatives maybe only 25% of those eligible to vote cast a vote for any given candidate. They’re still our leaders.
You know what, I’m willing to bet that the work done by the HRC is supported by a solid majority of homosexuals. What do we need here to satisfy you as to the “leader” label, a goddamned referendum? You’d still find a reason to bitch even then.
Dear Ford Motor Company,
If you don’t resume your advertising campaign marketing to gays, transgendered and lesbians, I will take my heterosexual spending dollar over to a car company who isn’t afraid to market to queers, dykes and queens.
The same said for Asian, African, Vertically Challenged People, Morbidly Overweight People and any other demographic that is missing from Ad campaigns
Shirley Ujest
Dear Otto,
You owe me a new monitor.
Best wishes