(forgetting to) start new threads

Several times over the busy holiday weekend I thought of a question or comment I wanted to start a thread about. Each time, when I finally got to the computer, my question or comment had evaporated. I find this quite annoying as the my questions were quite insightful and pointed and my comments witty and, um, insightful. Take my word for it. You would have been impressed by them.

And this does in fact actually lead to a question/comment: Do you folks who have thousands of posts just stay logged in all the time or spend that much time logged in here? I read the boards quite a bit, but I am forced into breaks of several days by life and what have you. And I guess I am not opinionated enough to want to spout off all the time (this is not acriticism of those of you who do spout off all the damn time) and I have rarely ever posted to GD so, um, well, exactly how did you folks with high post counts get there?

And don’t you have better things to do? :wink:

Just forgetfulness. I do the same thing when I walk into the library or a music store. Hmmm what was that thing I was gonna buy … <poof>

I have the same problem.

I assure everyone, however, that the threads I was intending to start were all brilliant, insightful, and funny.

Whenever I have a real question I always google it first so that I don’t waste valueable board resources. Nine times out of ten I find it on Google. Whenever I think of posting something mundane and pointless I type up the post, proof read it, and then decide no one would be interested in reading it and end up deleting it.

Whenever I have a real question I always google it first so that I don’t waste valueable board resources. Nine times out of ten I find it on Google. Whenever I think of posting something mundane and pointless I type up the post, proof read it, and then decide no one would be interested in reading it and end up deleting it.

Another way to avoid wasting board resources is to avoid double-posting. :wink:

Most of the questions (I think, I have forgotten them, yunnerstand) would have been of the “what do you think of …” variety rather than factual. I have asked a few about my car and such. And I occasionally feel the need to rant about silly things like traffic or the way people in general suck etc.

Mostly stuff you all would have ignored anyway…hmmmm

OK, I’ll post my paypal acount info real soon, and if I don’t see $1 from every member, I’ll bore this entire board to death!! And don’t think I can’t do it!

Sounds of someone walking in.

Oh, excuse me. Uh, I forgot why a came here.

Sounds of someone walking away humming.