Fork Hillary - The Wooden Stake

Being less informed than we, our noble GD mod closed our Hillary thread. The reason? There was an AP stub report that she was quitting on Friday.


We can forgive our good friend, Tom, for not knowing the ways of the Hillary Machine and its dunce, the mainstream press. The brief report Tom linked said she would quit Friday. Later reports then said that she had postponed until Saturday, in order to give her supporters enough time to gather. Than later, according to CNN, we learned that Friday would be private time with her supporters and Saturday was to be only “the first step in a multi-part process”.


For debate, a number of items: How long will it take her to stop running? Will she actually quit, or just suspend her campaign, holding onto her delegates? How enthusiastic will her support for Obama be, if it ever comes? How many parts will there be to her process, and why does it need to be dragged out further? Will all this rather bizarre behavior hurt her ongoing career and standing in the party?

My position is that she will never stop. She will hoard her pledged delegates, although all her supers will have moved to Obama. (DemConWatch has had enough, and will no longer be updating their supers table.) She will give Obama half-hearted support, and the other two family members — so critical to her campaigns — will do essentially nothing.

And I believe it has already hurt her reputation among her peers. Charlie Rangel, perhaps her strongest supporter, was simply beside himself yesterday with befuddlement and irritation. Twenty-three Congress critters (all supporters) called her in an intervention-like conference call, begging her to let it go. And saddest of all, perhaps, her own staff called the Senate and pleaded that they get in touch with her and see if they could reason with her. Eight Senators responded.

So, that’s my take. Hillary drags this out as long as possible. Agree or disagree?

I’d like to say I’m surprised. I’d like to, but really, I can’t.

For debate, a number of items: How long will it take her to stop running? Will she actually quit, or just suspend her campaign, holding onto her delegates? How enthusiastic will her support for Obama be, if it ever comes? How many parts will there be to her process, and why does it need to be dragged out further? Will all this rather bizarre behavior hurt her ongoing career and standing in the party?

I’d like her to stop, but if she was actually going to I think she would have by now. I don’t fully understand whats to be gained by here continuing on now.

Seriously, what can be gained by this action? Is she doing it just to piss Obama off? Does she think that the nomination will just be yanked from Obama and given to her?

Ok, what I want now is for the talking heads to stop dancing around the subject and just come out and publicly say it…she’s delusional. She’s vindictive. She’s in this for her own ego, not the good of the Country. I think thats a fair assessment.

Unfortunately, methinks you’re right. :frowning:

I despise the witch as much as anyone, but she’ll come around. I think she’s been through the the denial and anger stages and is into bargaining mode. She’ll have to put on the happy face and do the endorsement Saturday before finishing up the depression and acceptance phases. You have to remember, she has wanted this gig for at least two decades and has planned it probably since 1992. You don’t give up your biggest dreams so easily.

Looks like she’s going to claw, bitch, pout, sulk and threaten her way onto the ticket figuring, as she has already indicated her thought processes are running, that it’ll be a short wait until Obama gets iced.

Don’t forget, every four years Friends in WEashington sling shit at eachother. Then after the shit they make nice and continue on. Clinton has given us no reaosn to think she will make nice in the ways people would like her to. Like she’s holding onto a long gone dream…
The part of me that feels genuingely bad for her is offset by some of the things she says and does. Things I would have hoped would never have been said from one democrat to another. She has made gaffe after gaffe in terms of alienating her closest friends. This is going tobe a tough road for Clinton. We’ll see where she takes it.

She won’t even be offered the vp slot. And not only that I don’t think we will hear about it, I think we will hear Clinton speak to her constituency to back Obama and to really unite behind him.

I know one thing: She better be convincing…very, very convincing in her backing of Obama. Her supporters need to see a shepherd, not a mutineer.

And Tagos I’m not sure what you mean by iced.

October 1, 2011
SNL Weekend Update: (throat clearing) Hi, I’m Chevy Chase, and you’re not. Today Hillary Clinton announced that she would begin her campaign for the 2012 Democratic Presidential nomination, using the delegates she has retained since her attempt to win the 2008 Democratic Presidential nomination…

On the Daily Show last night they showed a montage of the pundits saying she was a shoe in and pretty much had the nomination in the bag. I loved the one with Joe Scarborough saying she would crush Barack.

I’m sure the whole thing has felt a little unreal to her.

Unreal? Think finally bringing down Godzilla. She came crashing through the wilderness guns blaz’in shouting and carrying on. Too bad she only brought 2 guns with her…

The talking heads (especially on CNN) are pretty obsequious. But op-eds in hard print this morning are pretty scathing.

I, for one, welcome our 6th, and possibly final, Fork Hillary thread. :slight_smile:

I suspect Hillary’s comments on Saturday will leave a sliver of light coming through the door as hope for her supporters. She’ll use the word ‘suspend’ and make it clear that she hasn’t given up, but that she has to now concentrate all her vast and incomparable efforts to defeating McCain in November. She’ll word it so it’s more Hillary and Barack working together as a team than her supporting him. She’ll endorse Barack, but tie her pedestal to his in her praise. To all that I say…whatever.

I’m okay with it all, as long as by the end of the day she’s no longer a threat to him, is holding nothing over him, and encourages her supporters and commands her flying monkeys to support him.

I’ve learned, however, never to hold my breath with Hillary, so we’ll see. It should be interesting.

Here is the text of her latest email to her constituents. Aparently it went out to everyone who donated…It’s not bad I must admit.

**Phlosphr ** - caustiously optimistic.

That’s mostly all about her, isn’t it? And oh, by the way, Obama isn’t as bad as McCain.

If her speech is like that, she’ll still be casting a pall over everything. She needs to spell out exactly why Obama is THE BEST CHOICE for the Democratic party and America. Her speech needs to be about him, not her. … I won’t hold my breath.

The more I look at her statement, the worse it gets. She says that she will support Obama because she feels obligated by a promise she made. There’s no gladness in it. No reason to support him other than she said she would and he’s not a Republican.

And most important of all — no appeal to her people that they should support him too!

She already did. Exhale: it’s over.

I read somewhere that if she suspends her campaign instead of quitting, she is allowed to keep raising money. Since she’s racked up a lot of debt, that may be a necessity even if she knows it’s over.

I’m not expecting very much. Who knows, maybe he can drag a little support out of her/them.

It’s probably being dragged out because of the money.

If she comes back to work and does her thing - especially if Obama wins - I think her colleagues will get over it pretty quickly. They may have lost a little respect for her personally, but if she does what she’s supposed to, they can forgive just about anything.

Neither will I. She needs to play shepherd now for Obama, I really hope she can find it in herself to do just that.

I think we can unfork Hillary now. Or at least stop forking her any further.

If she’d made an ass of herself and kept on fighting, the world would have just passed her by. It wouldn’t have hurt anyone but her. So it wouldn’t have mattered anyway.

But she’s thrown in the towel, and she’s throwing her support behind Obama. It’s over. Let’s all take a deep breath and relax.

ETA: I think tomndebb made a good decision in closing the Fork Hillary 3 thread. And I can’t really see any debate here, other than perhaps, “Is Hillary’s campaign really dead, or is she just faking it?” which seems to have only speculation behind the latter possibility - not that it would matter if it turned out to be true.

She said she was conceding and will do so formally on Saturday. I don’t understand why some feel it’s necessary to insist she won’t do just that. I can understand why she wants to have one last talk with her supporters before she quits, and that she can’t just do that on a moment’s notice.

Give it a rest, guys.

That’s the key ingredient I think is missing. She says she will deliver on her promise. It’s even fine if she thinks she is still the better candidate as long as she fully supports Obama as the candidate of her party. She needs to tell her supporters that they need to realize what’s at stake and urge them to support Obama as much as they supported her, *for the good of the country *. If she doesn’t say that on Saturday I’ll cast off my hope for her to rise above her ego.

I keep seeing the devil from that scene in Animal House saying “Fork Her! fork her brains out!”

Due respect, but no one is forcing your participation. We’re talking about a person who stepped on an historic moment — the first African-American presidential candidate — deliberately ignoring reality and stumping EVEN AFTER HE WON. Her promises are worthless. Until and unless she releases her delegates, Obama will always have to look back over his shoulder. My own opinion is that, if anything, she’ll self-destruct as she continues to look for ways to wrestle this away from him.