Formula 1 Thread

So a bit like Schumacher or Senna, then?

I am looking forward to the upcoming season finale. I sincerly hope that Verstappen doesn’t try the Schumacher/Senna tactic of the years 90, 94 and 97. Given that he would win the championship in case of a double DNF it is only natural that his approach is somewhat dirtier than Hamilton’s.

I have no personal preference on who should win. Both will have deserved the title over the course of the season.

This wont happen. I don’t think Verstappen wants to win like that and the race director has already noted that the stewards can deduct points this weekend. I think more problematic might be something less black and white, where Max pulls his “I will not let you pass” move which either ends in Max staying ahead or a crash. In the past that has been a 5 or 10 sec penalty. Will they really dock points for that this weekend?

What amazes me is that he got penalised multiple times for this last weekend and Max is saying he doesn’t think he did anything wrong. Surely he can’t imagine that not braking for a corner when being overtaken can possibly be legal?

he has a very unique view of his own culpability. The vast, vast majority of neutral observer experts have little doubt that he has been over the line this year.

I hope it is a straightforward fight on the track but if not that the stewards clamp down hard. Verstappen taking Hamilton off in order to win would be the very worst advert for the sport.

Hamilton will win, because his car is simply faster. Period.

What a wasted, shit season this has been all around, if you ask me.

Yes, because Hamilton is such a putz who can’t drive worth shit :roll_eyes:.

I don’t know what kind of season you were looking for, but this by far the most exciting season Ive ever seen that I remember paying attention to. (I missed a decade or so in the late 90s-early 2000s)

Yes, it’s been very exciting, but very much like finding out when the lights come on, that you’ve been kissing your sister all night.

Soooo, who is your sister in this analogy? Hamilton? Mercedes?

The Status Quo. Hamilton and Mercedes.

So the starus quo to you is kissing your sister? I’m not judging, just very confused by this analogy.

I said your sister.

Surely, not EVERYBODY was Kung-Fu Fighting.

It’s been one of those years…

Ahhhhh! Now it’s making sense!

it has been the accepted wisdom this season that he very much hasn’t had the fastest car for much of it.
Fortunes have swung back and forth and have lead us to the point where the two fastest drivers in the two fastest cars are level on points going into the decider.
That you think it has been a “wasted” season surprises me.
I hope Hamilton wins because I simply prefer him as a driver and as a person. If Max drives cleanly (not a guarantee) and wins the championship then he’ll fully deserve it on merit.

Did Max just say he’s had a difficult life so far?

7am. Time to crack open a beer. The sun isn’t even up yet here.

That was horseshit! Im happy for max, but jesus christ that was such bullshit.

Happy for Max, but the asterisk is already there.

They should have red-flagged the race immediately after Latifis crash.

Agreed. A fitting end to this weird ass season.

Wait, what? Sainz got third?! Great for him!

If the proper restart procedures had been followed, then either ALL lapped cars coukd have unlapped themselves, and it would have ended under yellow, which nobody wants, or if NO cars had been allowed to unlap, and max had still passed em all and won, i’d have removed the asterisk.