Forward, March! in the MMP


VWife went into a full frenzy last night, opening undersink cabinets and turning on the faucets “because it’s gonna go below 0 tonight”. She watches waaaaay too much TV and local news, and conflated the the weather forecast for the NW DC 'burbs to us. She forgets we have 2 big bodies of water that act as a heat source (the Potomac River and the Chesapeake Bay). The temperature when I woke up at 0445 this morning was 19F, not the -5F she was obsessing over. (insert old style : rolleyes: here)


Showered, dressed, and waiting till 8 so’s I can call the dentist and see if they’re working or not. **FCD **had decided to go with me, tho I’m not sure why - maybe we’ll go get breakfast after?

The sun is sorta out and it’s still freekin’ cold!!! Enough already!! <sigh>

Ever think about slowing down a bit in the bad driving conditions??? :wink:

This one is from our local news. He is a purfeshunal as he keeps right on his train of thought.

I had a good laugh at the tractor trailer part.

I was updating my budget this morning when I realized I got free Bojangles on Sunday! The credit card machine went down when I was in the drive-through and the girls in the back were trying everything except Non-Christian Words to fix it. After about five minutes, they handed me my card and my food and I went on my way. I looked through the pending and went-through charges on my account and there is no Bojangles. Free chicken for me! :smiley:

Although I do feel kind of bad because a) it came out of someone’s check, I’m sure, and b) I donated a dollar to the muscular dystrophy whatchamahoochie and I don’t know if that went through. I have a coupon for a Bo-Berry Biskit, so I’ll have to go back and spend money there again.

You can’t deduct stuff like that from employees’ paychecks. I guess it came out of the franchise owner’s check, in a sense.

Hey, I’m in the MMP! I haven’t been here in, like, a decade!

Well, welcome back, RNATB. We have to come up with a nickname for you. My first thought is “Dimmy” or “Dimbulb” but swampy and FCM have yet to weigh in.

Oh, well, in that case I don’t care. :smiley:

Welcome back. I suggest **Rattie **for a nickname.

Or Genius.

So I just got a phone call from all 8s.
The guy on the other end asked for me by name and I said who’s calling. So he proceeds to tell me he is from Geek something or another, he had accent, and that my computer is downloading some very bad data and I need to fix it right away.
I said ‘what computer?’
He said ‘aren’t you working on your computer right now?’
I said ‘Nope, don’t even have a computer’
He didn’t know what to say.
I didn’t even get a chance to ask him what he was wearing.
Next time I’ll have to remember to say, NO it’s your computer downloading some very bad data because I’m with the FBI (Federal Bureau of Internet) and if you don’t send me $1000 right now through Western Union two of my goons will be showing up at your door with a warrant for your arrest.
Or maybe I should start working on a foreign accent and pretend I don’t speak ze English. I haven’t done that one for a while.
Oh oh, thinking up a new one. I might have to plan a scenario where I am expecting them to call because I’m looking for a hit man to kill my husband, or maybe I think they want to hire me for a hit.
Can you tell I have way too much time on my hands?

Back with clean toofies!! :smiley:

The hygienist took me right on time and there were no problems, so yay for happy teeth! Afterwards, we went to Cracker Barrel for breakfast, then to find a spray nozzle for FCD’s paint sprayer - no luck. Now we’re home and he’s futzing around downstairs. I may just work on yet another shawl and watch TV. I could dust, but, seriously??? :stuck_out_tongue:

**sari **- I like the way you think. Try asking "Are you one of… them?? How did you find me? Wait - someone’s tapping on the window… " <scream of terror, then dead line> Just a thought. :smiley:

The roads around here are a mixed bag - some slushy, some dry, some in between. We didn’t dig out our driveway, and we got out and in just fine, so huzzah! :smiley: I see some melting out there - if the thin overcast would go away, the sun could do its job, dagnabbit! C’mon spring!!!

You’re Teh Eeeevil. I like that in a person.

The last one of those callers I had decided that I sounded like a small child, and kept asking if my mummy was in. That was quite odd, especially as I don’t sound particularly young…

The planned gardening didn’t get done today either, as I found a massive patch of mould on the wall in my bedroom, and had to do a mission to go buy bleach to clean it off. I’m now on cat watch, to stop them coming in and licking the walls while it dries.

I know I react to mould, so here’s hoping that was what’s causing my skin problems, and they clear up now…

I can’t recall being in parade or marching anywhere, unfortunately. Two of my brothers were in marching band though, maybe that makes up for it? :slight_smile:

I am going to my doctor on Thursday morning. I have been suffering bouts of depression and it seems to be deepening now. I just can’t cope using my normal methods any more! And no, I have not been partaking anything illegal or gulping down booze - doesn’t help me.

Ah well, here’s hoping that the doctor will be able to help, he’ll at least listen to my complaints.

Uh oh!

I think RNATB should be Genius as well, anyhoo welcome back.

Happy Mardi Gras or Shrove Tuesday or Fat Tuesday or Carnival

::throws beads with abandon::

One week until tour and Musical Mumper Meetup, woo hoo.


Howdy Y’all! I’m goofin’ off at irk just cause. Ok, really it’s for cause. My brain just got overloaded and I need to not do irkrelated stuff for just a bit. I’ve been at it full tilt since I walked in this mornin’ so I deserve this.

I think BBBobbio found the right nickname. RNATB shall be Genius! So mote it be.

My brain is more in the mode of wantin’ to go cook bacon and snausages. I look forward to stuff like that there. Plus YP and our lovely Priest Associate are engagin’ in a “battle of the tip jars” tonight. They will be pourin’ wine for tips (to be donated to our Deacon’s fund) with the winner havin’ the braggin’ rights which will be promptly given up for Lent. YP expects to lose big time. I do believe he is right in this. :smiley:

I answered the landline at da cave one day last week and was asked if the head of the household is available. I said no because we don’t have one as all of us refuse to act like an adult. The line went mysteriously dead. Reckon it was sump’n I said. Oh and Sari and MOOOOOOM HEE!

I could have sworn they swiped and charged my debit when I had my dr’s appointment back in October, but the dunning letter I got in the mail disagrees. I think my next appointment is next Monday. I’ll be scrutinizing my bank account after that visit and printing out the relevant page.

I didn’t write down when my next appointment is. This is why I don’t remember. If it’s not written down somewhere it falls through my brain sieve.

I had quite a productive day at work.

I think I’ll stay in the shower for the rest of the day as it’s the only warm place around.

This must be Toothday.

My lip is almost back to normal after having a worn-out filling replaced. I haven’t had a new cavity in a handful of years, so I wonder if they track this and get you one way or another every so often. :dubious:

I wonder about my dentist though. They’re in a restricted-access office building, but in the waiting area, they have a Dr. Seuss book about teeth and a video featuring a chimp named Kirby. I can’t imagine too many kids wander in.