Fostering kids

Here it is, looking down the line at my last few years of having a child in the house. I’m wondering, what will I do when Vaderling is out on his own?

I’m having a hard time with visualising more than a few months after that.

Maybe I’ll become a foster parent. It’s a pretty big decision, a choice filled with potential troubles.

Being Captain Decisive! I’ve decided that there is wisdom in exploring the idea now, plenty far in advanced of it becoming an actual possibility and I’m starting at the simplest level I can think of, here.

Who has fostered kids before? Ever foster a refugee? What were the main difficulties you and or the foster child had? What sort of questions should I really be asking?

Look around your community~there may be an organization that organizes volunteers to provide respite care for children and teens. Might be a way to try your wings.

I have actually, and there are. I was hoping to get some stories, good and bad, from anyone here who has or is fostering kids.

The one organisation that I looked at does have “respite fostering” where you take a child for a week/end or two.

It’s something I’ve thought about doing for years, but I’m also kind of on the fence about it right now.

I think it would require a parent available full-time to be able to give a foster child the care needed. Idk if you have a partner, but if you don’t, and you work outside the home, that could be problematic. Respite weekends seems like a great idea in all regards.