Fresh on the heels of such epic masterpieces as “ALien Autopsy, Fact or Fiction” and “Conspiracy Theory: Did we land on the Moon”, FOX has just advertised their newest, sure to be most popular program series yet.
Yes, the good folks at FOX decided that it’s time to give their audience quality programs, and so it is with their great pleasure that they announce,
Beginning this fall,
the prime-time national syndication of…
“Crossing Over” with John Edward.
For those unaware, Edward is one of the newest rages in Psychic Showmen. Spewing out questions and statements at an alarming, almost uncountable rate, Edwards dupes his audience of True-Believers(T.M.) into thinking he is communicating with their departed loved ones. Of course, his rapid-fire style ensure that he will trigger a reaction from at least SOMEone in his audience.
I wonder what FOX can do next?
How can a network that brings us The SImpsons, Futurama, Titus, & That 70’s Show bombard us with such crap??
You answered your own question with: “Edward is one of the newest rages in Psychic Showmen”
This “show” is currently on the Sci-Fi Channel and you can’t get any more “Fi” than psychics.
O.K., guilty confession time. I kind of like the show. It’s interesting to watch him do the free association thing, and the reactions of the people are interesting too. I prefer the individual session part of the show where he’s talking to just a couple of people. I’m not saying I believe it, but it’s kind of cool to think, what if. And, the people that they show seem to feel better about something when he’s done. Granted it may be a scam, but it’s not as harmful a scam as some out there.
Here I am, looking through the Pit and I see a thread started about me??? Frantically thinking…“What did I do to piss off Stupendous man??” Then I read it.
I can appreciate the fact that someone may be entertained by the show. If it were called a trick, I might find it amusing myself. But packaged as it is, it is meant to fool the gullible, especially those bereaved and desperate to contact those they have lost.
This is sadly ironic. Right now, when Crossing Over comes on the SciFi Network, it’s my reminder to switch over to Fox to catch the 11:00 Simpsons episode.