I will try to include everything mentioned so far:
Patchouli - yay, but in small doses
Popcorn - yay
Jasmine - meh
Bacon - only if I’m hungry (really!)
Magnolia - meh
New car - yay
White Shoulders - never smelled it (that I know of)
Cinnamon Rolls - yay
Sandalwood - yay, in small doses
New electronics - yay (good one!)
New jeans - they have a smell?
Coffee - yay
Just mowed grass - yay, sometimes
Christmas tree - yay
Campfire - never smelled one, but I like the smell of fireplaces
Old Spice - meh
Charcoal grilled burgers - nay
The ocean - yay
A bakery or a bread plant - yay
Roses - meh (I’m not much for floral scents, as you might be noticing)
Fresh clean puppy - never smelled it
Vanilla - meh
Dark (and I mean DARK) chocolate - I love the taste, but am not aware of it having much of a smell
Espresso - meh
Honeysuckle - meh
Lily of the Valley - not familiar with it
Butterfly bush - not familiar with it
Coconut - yay
Basil - meh
Peppermint - yay
Apple and cinnamon pie - yay (just plain apple pie works, too!)
Orange oil - nay
Wintergreen - yay
Frangipanni - not familiar with it
Musk - yay
Strawberry - yay, in small doses
Beer - yay
Wine - nay
Scotch - yay
Mangoes - meh
Grilled meats - yay
Sausage - yay
Chocolate chip cookies baking - yay
Steak broiling - yay
Hot cotton clothes from the dryer - yay
Musty basements - nay
Turpentine - nay
Piles of leaves in the fall - yay
Fresh clean baby - yay
Gardenias - meh
Tomato plants - never smelled them
Earth, just after a short rain shower on a warm day - yay
Horses, saddle leather - yay
Fresh cut watermelon - yay
Peppers roasting - never smelled it
Ylang ylang - not familiar with it
Frankincense and Myrrh - nay
Cedarwood - meh
Amber - never smelled it
Old books! - yay (though I actually prefer the smell of new books, particularly hardbacks: am I the only one who puts their nose up to the binding and inhales with a smile?)
Fresh Linen - yay
Leather - yay
Milk, cream, and things scented that way - meh
Verbena - not familiar with it
Lemons and Limes - nay
Men’s colognes (pretty much all of them) - depends; my only clear favorite is Drakkar Noir
Curry - meh
Cotton Candy - nay
Cotton - meh
Jovan Musk - I’m more of a Coty’s Wild Musk girl, myself 
old electronics - meh
printer’s ink - never smelled it
oil - nay