Fragrances/aromas/smells: Yea or Nay?

New car
White Shoulders
Cinnamon Rolls
New electronics
New jeans
Just mowed grass
Christmas tree
Old Spice
Charcoal grilled burgers
The ocean
A bakery or a bread plant

If your Top 10 smells are not on that list of 20, what are they?

Fresh clean puppy
Dark (and I mean DARK) chocolate

Honeysuckle - technically that’s the scent of White Shoulders, but the real thing is absolutely heavenly on a warm night.

Lily of the Valley

Butterfly bush





Apple and cinnamon pie

Orange oil


FWIW, I don’t care much for either patchouli or ‘new car’ smell.

Really like your additions.

Patchouli is just one of those incense sticks that were really big 20-30 years ago (maybe still are) but I didn’t want to list them all and just used patchouli as an example.

What are some others from the era?


(I must have had 10 or so different ones but just can’t recall their names – or the scents.)

FWIW, I have yet to enter an aromatherapy place. How are they?

In no particular order. . .

Grilled meats

Chocolate chip cookies baking
Steak broiling
Hot cotton clothes from the dryer
Musty basements
Piles of leaves in the fall
Fresh clean baby

[I thought the thread would be able yay or nay on people wearing scents and I’m a nay. Just be clean and that’s a nice natural smell.]

Why oh why can’t they come up with a bacon flavored cologne?


I am very sensitive to smells. Patchouli will send me to bed with a migraine if I am around for any length of time at all. I don’t mind subtle smells but egads folks, put down the firehose!

Believe it or not, as I was typing the title my intention was to list some smells and ask for Yea or Nay on each. But as I was building the list (off the top of my head) it occurred to me that I was probably going to leave off a whole bunch of them. That’s when I switched from the Yea/Nay thing to just a list.

But please feel free – you and anyone else – to go copy my list or anybody else’s and label each item with Yea or Nay.

That would make the title make sense. :wink:

Tomato plants
Cookies baking (Toll House, especially)
Earth, just after a short rain shower on a warm day
Horses, saddle leather
Fresh cut watermelon
Peppers roasting
Many already listed, especially jasmine, coffee, bread baking, bacon.


Patchouli is just one of those incense sticks that were really big 20-30 years ago (maybe still are) but I didn’t want to list them all and just used patchouli as an example.

What are some others from the era?


(I must have had 10 or so different ones but just can’t recall their names – or the scents.)


Ylang ylang
Sandalwood, which you already mentioned
Frankincense and Myrrh

Old books!

Fresh Linen
Milk, cream, and things scented that way
Bread baking
Lemons and Limes
Men’s colognes (pretty much all of them)
Cotton Candy

I don’t know that you could buy those in a candle store or anything, but they definitely make my nose happy every time I smell them.

Patchouli - nay
Popcorn - yay
Jasmine - The flower, yay. Perfume, nay
Bacon - yay
Magnolia - nay
New car - nay
White Shoulders - eh?
Cinnamon Rolls - yay
Sandalwood - nay
New electronics - yay
New jeans - nay
Coffee - yay
Just mowed grass - yay
Christmas tree - yay
Campfire - yay
Old Spice - NAY
Charcoal grilled burgers - yay
The ocean - yay (on a good day)
A bakery or a bread plant - yay
Roses - yay

If your Top 10 smells are not on that list of 20, what are they?

Jovan Musk

This and Love’s Baby Soft would take me back to high school. I’m not sure I’m ready for that!

But not anything that’s been scented to smell “clean” - Febreze, and pretty much any air “freshener” will make me run from the room.

My counterpart to “new electronics” (really just a bunch of off-gassing, similar to new-car smell) is old electronics. Vacuum tubes, specifically. The thing heats up and the smells come forth gently from the dust on the tubes and the varnishes, phenolic resins, etc used as insulating materials. A very different and much more “organic” smell than what comes out of a new TV.

Anyone mention printer’s ink yet? I love the smell wafting out of a print shop.

How about oil?

I recently used my nose to evaluate an old sewing machine - I sniffed at it, and it smelled like oil. Good oil - the smell of a machine that’s been taken care of. I can’t describe the smell at all, but I can recognize the smell of old congealed, gone-bad oil and rusty parts.

I will try to include everything mentioned so far:

Patchouli - yay, but in small doses
Popcorn - yay
Jasmine - meh
Bacon - only if I’m hungry (really!)
Magnolia - meh
New car - yay
White Shoulders - never smelled it (that I know of)
Cinnamon Rolls - yay
Sandalwood - yay, in small doses
New electronics - yay (good one!)
New jeans - they have a smell?
Coffee - yay
Just mowed grass - yay, sometimes
Christmas tree - yay
Campfire - never smelled one, but I like the smell of fireplaces
Old Spice - meh
Charcoal grilled burgers - nay
The ocean - yay
A bakery or a bread plant - yay
Roses - meh (I’m not much for floral scents, as you might be noticing)

Fresh clean puppy - never smelled it
Vanilla - meh
Dark (and I mean DARK) chocolate - I love the taste, but am not aware of it having much of a smell
Espresso - meh

Honeysuckle - meh
Lily of the Valley - not familiar with it
Butterfly bush - not familiar with it
Coconut - yay
Basil - meh
Peppermint - yay
Apple and cinnamon pie - yay (just plain apple pie works, too!)
Orange oil - nay
Wintergreen - yay

Frangipanni - not familiar with it
Musk - yay
Strawberry - yay, in small doses

Beer - yay
Wine - nay
Scotch - yay
Mangoes - meh
Grilled meats - yay
Sausage - yay

Chocolate chip cookies baking - yay
Steak broiling - yay
Hot cotton clothes from the dryer - yay
Musty basements - nay
Turpentine - nay
Piles of leaves in the fall - yay
Fresh clean baby - yay

Gardenias - meh
Tomato plants - never smelled them
Earth, just after a short rain shower on a warm day - yay
Horses, saddle leather - yay
Fresh cut watermelon - yay
Peppers roasting - never smelled it

Ylang ylang - not familiar with it
Frankincense and Myrrh - nay
Cedarwood - meh
Amber - never smelled it

Old books! - yay (though I actually prefer the smell of new books, particularly hardbacks: am I the only one who puts their nose up to the binding and inhales with a smile?)

Fresh Linen - yay
Leather - yay
Milk, cream, and things scented that way - meh
Verbena - not familiar with it
Lemons and Limes - nay
Men’s colognes (pretty much all of them) - depends; my only clear favorite is Drakkar Noir
Curry - meh
Cotton Candy - nay

Cotton - meh
Jovan Musk - I’m more of a Coty’s Wild Musk girl, myself :wink:

old electronics - meh
printer’s ink - never smelled it
oil - nay

And my additional “yays”:

[ul][li]gasoline[/li][li]a fresh deck of cards[/li][li]nail polish[/li][li]some nail polish removers[/li][li]roasted chicken[/li][li]pasta gravy[/li][/ul]

Alredy mentioned:

Cinnamon Rolls

Not mentioned:

Orange peel
Hot beach sand
Towels and pillows after the first time a girl stays over
My tomato paste roasting in the oven
New Crayola crayons

Yeah, this obsession to spray chemicals in the air to protect your new baby?!? Grr. like I want my baby breathing in *oust * all day. :mad:

Cucumber is one of my favorites. I even have cucumber perfume. It’s so fresh and green.