To Franklin Covey,
I am writing to inform you that Franklin Covey is the most annoying Company I have ever done business with in my life. Well, except for “The Good Guys!” - but lets just say you come in a very close second… I signed up for a class for myself and two co-workers almost one year ago. Little did I know you would inundate my HOME mailbox with junk mailers and sell my name (and the names of my co-workers) to AT LEAST FOUR DIFFERENT COMPANIES. Not only do I receive 3 copies of each junk-mailer, I also receive additional junk mail addressed to “Payroll Manager” and “Human Resource Manager” etc. Yesterday in fact I received no less than 14 junk mailers ! FOURTEEN ! Christ sakes !
You know what really bothers me about this whole situation ? The fact that you are a dishonest Company. May I direct your attention to this url - - “We do not sell your registration information (name, telephone number, mailing address, credit card information, etc.) unless you specifically authorize us to do so.” Well, I never authorized you to send me any promotional information and I sure as hell didn’t authorize you to sell my name and address to who-knows-how-many other companies. I’d just LOVE to see your proof that I did authorize you to sell my information. Let me guess, it was some double-negative check box located just below the normal field of vision on your enrollment screen ?
I spoke with your customer service representative named “Jenny” today. She told me that she would remove my name and the names of my co-workers from your mailing list. Hopefully she is authorized to do that. This message is simply to inform you that I will be doing everything in my power to ensure that none of my colleagues ever even flirts with the idea of doing business with this Mail-Fetish-Cult you pass-off as Franklin Covey. Any time I might have saved by attending your “What Matters Most” class is more than wasted by the time it takes me to deal with this hassle you have created. No wonder the price of stamps is going up…
Thanks for nothing,
I actually did fire off this letter to Franklin Covey. I dont expect to receive a response but hopefully they’ll get the point. I mean, whats the worse they can do ? Send me a dozen more mailers a day ?