Free Government Money - only $29.95

Has anyone out there bought any of these books, especially the one’s from LESCO, the guy who dances around in the suit full of colorful question marks? An E-mail friend of mine bought one, said it listed a whole bunch of places to apply but she discovered that most were for minorities. I told her I’d buy the book from her, at a discount, but she didn’t want to sell it.

Now there are ones on the net shilling not only grants for businesses, schooling and such, but paying bills with no pay back required.

It all sounds too good to be true. Anyone have one of these books and, if so, how good is it? I could use a grant to start a business.

I’ve seen it at the local Books-a-Million. It’s wrapped in plastic, but that never stopped anybody from reading magazines at the newsstand (the CLEAN magazines with something-or-other included as a bonus, you preverts!)

Go on down and flip through a copy. It’d probably be cheaper at the bookstore than direct from him, anyway.

One of my very first posts was about this very subject. You’ll note that there were no conclusive results.

Gosh! It barely got off of the ground. With, what, 5 figures in members here, no one even knows anyone who bought that book? One book on the net guarantees you’ll get a loan or grant or they’ll refund the book. Lesco must be making bucks, because those commercials are expensive.

I’ve looked up government grants and loans before, but they are so elusive, often only for education for minorities, for science research, so restrictive and a real pain in the hinder to find that I gave it up.

Lesko speaks the truth. Problem is you can spend 15 minutes of your own time and get the same results wih a simple search.
Again Nothing is free. To get these monies you must go thru a lot of hassle.

For instance in Lesko’s book (BTW it is in most libraries) he says for free medical care use the Hill Barton Act. This act gave hospitals that were built mostly in the late 50s to early 60s low cost loans in return for providing free care to indigints(Sp?)

What it fails to say is most hospital only had a twenty to thirty year obligation and are out of business or not obligated. I found only a handful of the some 70 hospital in the Chgo area still have Hill Barton.

Also since it required such a paultry sum (like $20,000 a year, for free care, maybe a lot in 50s money) if they count from Jan 1st within a week most hospitals can meet that quota in a week.

He also says most drug companies will give you low cost or free drugs. True!! But it must be for a chronic condition. (i.e High Blood Pressure) usually it is a hassle to get them to start and most of the really poor people need drugs for immediate short term acute illness.

And so on goes the book…

The money is out there and it is free but how many hoops do you jump thru to get it is the question.

Concerning the drugs. What is not mentioned that even if you are approved for them, you might need, say, three fills, but they’ll sometimes cut you off after one, unexpectedly and with no excuses given.

I need a $10K grant to pay a hitman to off that fangool Lesko… it’s easily one of the most popular books in the library where I work, and the people who ask for it always irritate the shit outta me. It’s always checked out of the department where it classes, so the schlubs over there send the patrons to me. My department has something called the Grants Resource Center, a collection that deals strictly with nonprofits and philanthropy. It usually takes a half hour to convince these people that a hair salon or a record label is NOT a nonprofit organization. Fuck you, Matt Lesko.

Don’t get me started on Tuesdays With Morrie

Many public libraries have bought the book. If yours doesn’t have it, ask if you can borrow it on interlibrary loan.

Not likely. The damn thing is so popular I doubt any library would let it go out on an ILL.