That Guy on TV Who Promises You FREE Government Money?

You know, that nitwit who has question marks all over his clothes? he claims the US Gov. is just waiting to give out grants to start abusiness, attend college, travle, etc., etc.
He wants $19.95 for is book…which ought to be the tipoff. Has anyone bought his book? Are his claims valid?

That clown has been around for decades. He used to come on The Tonght Show with Johnny Carson on occasion (but without the idiotic clothes) and he acted the same way then. His book is probably little more than a listing of government funding programs along with a little advice on how to apply for them.

However, I’m certain that the government is just frothing at the bit to give away money like he makes it sound. I imagine there are all sorts of qualifications and limitations involved and that not just anyone can money just by asking for it.

Mathew Lesko! I love that guy! He wants me to get free money from the government to start a new life!
And his clothes look like rejects from The Riddler’s closet.

His name is Matthew Lesko, and he lives in Rockville, I think. I’ve flipped through the book and indeed, it contains info on how you can get government grants, etc. However, the fact is, most of these grants are highly specialized and most of us don’t qualify, etc.

I got a copy out of the local library once. It was a couple of years out of date. IIRC it was just a listing of really wacky grants. Certainly worth checking at the library.

The thing is, all the information in his book is available free at your local federal depository library. The sad thing is, dumb people in acquisitions in these libraries (some are academic, some are public, some are other, etc.) sometimes buy things like the Lesko books unaware of what they’re getting from the government for free through the depository program.

But anybody can qualify! Even millionaires!

At least that’s what Mat told me and I always believe the guy with all the question marks on his clothes.

Regarding my post above which was written in haste, lines in the second paragraph should read:

“I’m certain that the government isn’t just frothing at the bit…etc.”


“that not just anyone can get money just by asking for it.”

Sorry for the confusion.