Maybe this is a silly idea, but I figure that there are probably a lot of folks who are annoyed about something, but either can’t find a thread where they can voice their anger, or don’t feel it’s a big enough deal to make a whole new thread about it. Therefore, this thread is for anything you want. Feel free to let off steam about any subject you choose.
Just get it off your chest, and hopefully your day will improve.
I’ll start: I deeply hate when someone feels a need to make small talk in an elevator. I don’t know you, buddy. If i did, I would say something. Yes, I know it’s hot out. No, I don’t care if the lady who just got off has nice legs (even if she does). If you think I am wearing something you like, you don’t need to tell me, since I don’t care. Stupid insecure bugger.
Ah, I feel much better.