Freedom Tower?!

“Freedom’s just another word for nothing left to lose.”

(Looks up) Don’t tell kytheria!

The best part of the new design? It’s “squarer.”

Wow. Who knew that Janis was a prophet?

Or Kris, for that matter.

Hypodermic needle? Looks like a huge glass fountain pen to me.

Well, no one can say they’re not planning ahead.

Hmm. The new Fuck You Building…I mean Freedom Tower is marginally less hideous than the WTC, so I guess we could do worse if we absolutety must have another quarter-mile high structure weighing down lower Manhattan.

Nobody ever seems to practice subtlety any more, though. They ought to call it the Terrorist World Headquarters building. They’d never touch it.

Since it’s replacing the World Trade Center or WTC,

why not name the new one the World Trade Tower or World Trade Building?

Not identical to WTC but it would pay a little respect to what was.

Keep repeating it in every speech and use it to justify just about anything… and it becomes dirty… or at least worn out and hollow.

The tower seem nice… even if its a new target. The name only sucks badly.

Frankly because that would make too much sense.

I like the design. The name? Meh.

Wasn’t it to be called Freedom Tower from the day the design was announced, over 18 months ago?

And you’re just getting around to bitching about the name now? Slow day at the office? :smiley:

How about:

The new and improved World Trade Center! Now with more blast resistance!

And Vitamin C, with no added sodium!

So the old design gets vetoed for being unsafe. How do we fix the problem? Simple: stick the thing on top of a goddamn 200-foot tall concrete cube. That’s not just sacrificing aesthetics to security: that’s laziness. I can’t believe no one else is complaining about the (ugly, ugly) base.

FWIW, the Times’ architecture critic trashed the design. Granted, that guy hates everything.

I personally don’t like the idea of copying an existing structure, namely the Statue of Liberty. It’s “Goodbye English Rose” all over again!

“Freedom? That’s just some people talkin’.”

I for one am a fan of the new design. It’s much better than the first designs they had for the Freedom Tower. (Ugh, I do hate the name, though. I can only hope this is just a code-name and they change it to something else before it opens.)

I don’t see why everyone is so opposed to the square-ish design. I thought the imposing monolithic quality of the original towers was really cool, and I think the new design has just the right amount of flair to be interesting without being a convoluted origami shape like the original concept.

Apparently they’re going to put a spotlight on top that will shine directly upwards into the night sky. Cool! Ever since I saw the Luxor I’ve been a huge fan of those sky lights. Last time I was in Vegas I was staring into the sky at the Luxor light and I got a little dizzy from acrophobia, and I mean that in a good way.

The windowless concrete base is a terrible idea, though, IMHO.

I know nothing about architecture, but I thought he had some good points. The airyness, or even eerieness, of the original design was one of its strong points.

Well the word “Freedom” wasn’t hadn’t become synonymous with Bush babble yet… so things have changed

Hadn’t it? I thought it had become part of every one of his speeches by the end of 2001.