French pronunciation question

I don’t speak French, but many years ago I came across this saying:

Ce ne est que le premier pas qui coûte.
(It is only the first step that costs.)

ISTR that it’s pronounced something like ‘snek le prim-YAY pah kee coot’. Is that correct? If not, how is it properly pronounced?

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Using your made-up phonetic system, I’d say closer to “snay kuh luh prem-YAY pah kee coot”.

I’d say close enough.

St Denis et Montmartre, eh?

Ce ne est que le premier pas qui coûte.

Say nes kuh luh premeeaire pah key koot. (Premier has three syllables , but just barely: prem-ee-aire. And both Rs are pronounced.

Correct, just don’t stress the “yay”.

No, it’s “prem-yay”: only the first R is pronounced. The feminine, *première *, does have both Rs pronounced.

I stand corrected.

“Ce ne est” isn’t correct. It’s “Ce n’est”
But anyway, the saying is :

Il n’y a que le premier pas qui coûte” . Googling, I find “ce n’est” for this sentence only in English sources (French-English dictionnaries and articles).
Can’t help with the pronounciation, since my english pronounciation is atrocious, I couldn’t give an equivalent.

Your written English is wonderful.

I just tried this with the correct “Il n’y a que le premier pas qui coûte” and I think that’s the best answer. Google’s pronunciation is robotic but correct. The transliterations into pseudo-English can only give you at best a terrible approximation.