French question: "et lui déceme les honneurs divins" referring to Alexander the Great


I was reading a passage on Alexander the Great. I came across this phase but haven’t been able to find a translation for it.
“…et lui déceme les honneurs divins” (referring to Alexander the Great). What does the verb ‘déceme’ mean? I look forward to your feedback.

Could you link to or paste the original context?

This looks like a reading/copying mistake: it should be “déceRNe” (lowercase ‘rn’ looks like ‘m’). The sentence translates as “and bestows upon him the divine honors”.

Yes. It does say “décerne”. The r an n appear like an “m”. The font is extremely small. Thank you all.

It might relate to the fact that, after the conquest of Egypt, Alexander was accorded divine honours by Egyptian priests, in accordance with long-standing customs in that country. This struck Greeks and Macedonians as odd, since their culture did not have a tradition of deifying rulers.

This was part of a wider strategy of Alexander, namely, to incorporate customs of non-Greek subjects into the way he ran his empire. His motivation was to create a kind of melting pot whereby the various peoples he ruled would be merged into one entity. It did have the downside that many of these customs put off his Greek and Macedonian courtiers. Another example was Alexander’s insistence that courtiers prostrate before him. This had a long tradition in Persia, but was perceived as impertinent by the Greeks.

French native here :slight_smile:
the verb “décerner” means giving as a reward.
so basically, he give him the honors as for a god (sacrifices, etc)

Is the phrase about Bucephale? or Hephaistion?