I have tried to post this several times, but have become too emotional to do so. If you are like me and sad animal stories make you cry, I’d like you to read on with the knowledge that there is a happy ending…
Part I - Friday.
I whined, I pouted, I begged. I was only married 2 months when I saw the ad in the paper. 8 week old Golden Retriever puppies, $200.00. Mr husband reluctantly went with me to see the little balls of fur. The runt, that’s the one I wanted but $200.00 was almost the exact amount we had on our bank account.
I didn’t care about using all of the little savings that we had. I was young, probably spoiled and selfish.
Friday, January 5, 1990. (My 26th Birthday).
I was laying face down, on the bed, pouting when I heard the front door close, then footsteps, then I could feel something on the bed with me. There you were, the one thing I wanted most in the whole world. Mr. Honey drained the savings account to make me smile on my birthday.
I named you Friday because, well it was Friday after all. You were instantly the love of my life. A soft, golden ball of affection.
Over the next year few years I would teach you the joys of swimming, eating ice cream (Lime-Cream from your favorite place), and running wild to your heart’s content in the woods behind our house. You developed a strange habit of not eating unless I were present. If I went away for the weekend, you would not touch food while I was away. I was your protector and even at 90 pounds you were the biggest baby I’ve ever seen. If Mr. Honey scolded you, you would hide behind me knowing full well that I would always protect you.
When our daughter Georgia was born in October 1991 you were never jealous, on the contrary, you were her best friend.
I cannot even tell how many times you saved my sanity just knowing that your waggle would be waiting for me at the end of the day.
Years went by and you were the most pampered boy. A vitamin every day, Warm summer nights spent swimming at the lake, a bell on your collar (since you went too close to the road one time when out in the yard with me, I wanted to know where you were at all times) ice cream twice a week, a warm, comfortable bed right next to mine (tucked in with your blankey on really cold nights)…
March 10, 2001
This morinng you walked out to the kitchen and collapsed. I called Mr. Honey and together we rushed you to the vet. He said something about a back problem which I cannot comprehend. You had to stay the night at the Vet’s (I’m so sorry, I hope you weren’t too scared without me).
March 11, 2001
I was able to take you home. The Vet has given me medicine to give you twice a day. Mr. Honey and Georgia were both over-joyed to see you.
March 12 - 14, 2001
I have been giving you your medicine as prescribed, stuffing it down your throat as directed by the Vet. (I’m so sorry for this, I see the look in your eyes, and I know what you’re thinking, I am supposed to be your best friend, your protector and yet I’m shoving this vile medicine down your throat) I’m sorry, but I would do anything to help you and bring back the friend that I need so much.
March 15-27, 2001
Something has happened to you and I would give anything to know what it is. You have been pacing continuously, won’t eat, won’t drink and you seem not to know me anymore. We came home from dinner tonight to find you stuck behind the couch, unable to find your way out. I have been sleeping on the floor in the family room for almost 2 weeks because you whine and pace all night long, keeping up Georgia and Mr. Honey. I now carry you, all 75 pounds and all 100 pounds of me, out to go potty, but you never go because you will not eat or drink anymore.
March 28, 2001
I carried you to the car and laid you in the backseat. We went to get ice cream, they had your favorite, Lime-Cream. I was so happy that you took a couple of licks.
March 29, 2001 - 9AM
I brought you to work with me today (I have the best boss in the world). I spent the morning sitting on the floor with your head on my lap.
I called the Vet and told him I need to bring you in.
The Vet called and said to come right away because you were not going to make it through the night.
Mr. Honey, Georgia and I were at the Vet’s office. You were laying on your blanket on the floor. Mr. Honey knelt down beside you and in the most honest emotion I’ve ever seen from him begian to sob, not just cry, but really sob. He then bent down and kissed you good-bye. Georgia cried and kissed you good-bye. When they left the room I told the Vet to please end your pain. I did not cry, I held it together completely. I took your head in my arms and kissed you while that last bit of pain forever left your body and my best friend left this world forever.
Mr Honey and Georgia were in bed. I sat on the kitchen floor and let escape every bit of hurt that had been building up for the past few weeks. I screamed, I pounded the floor.
The can with your his ashes now sits on top of our entertainment center. It’s been a year now but I still cannot leave the house or go to bed without without saying goodbye or goodnight. I was suposed to bury them in the Spring but it gets so cold…
Part II - Chance.
March 30 - April 14, 2001
We couldn’t stand the silence. We all dreaded come home at night knowing there would be no waggle waiting for us at the end of the day. By a stroke of luck (or maybe something else) We found a dog that needed a home on Petfinders.org, A weimarner, no picture, just a description…6 month old male.
We borrowed a van from a friend and woke up that Saturday morning happier than the 3 us of had been in weeks. We got up at 5am and drove to Perth Amboy, NJ. At around 11am we pulled up in front of the most horrible animal shelter I have ever seen in my life. Out in one of the outdoor runs emerged a creature so beautiful that my daughter and I immediately starting crying. A gorgeous, silver, yellow-eyed weimaraner was barking at the top of his lungs. We paid the adoption fee and loaded him into the van.
From the moment we pulled out of the parking lot we knew that he was the one for us. We named him Chance, short for “second chance” We turned off at our exit and drove to the park which was about a mile from our house. After opening the door, he pounded out into the clean air and fresh grass. My heart soared as he flew through the grass taking in all of the senses of his new home.
Chance has become our new best friend. He is a complete lover and is Georgia’s best friend. He has been swimming in the lake, has had ice cream every week. He even has his own pet insurance. He will always have the love and affection he deserves as long as he lives.
Chance may think that he needed us, But I can honestly say that we needed him far more than he ever needed us.
Please excuse any typos, for I am crying. I am just happy that I got through it that time.