Fried Dough Ho Needs to Go

Many female-to-male transsexuals live as “dyed-in-the-wool lesbians” before they come out as transgendered. From her description, I’d guess the “womyn” that Fried Dough Ho had these sexual relationships were presenting as butch when she met them. Butchness in females doesn’t seem to get as much attention as the reverse in men, but would anybody be all that shocked if a gay guy said three queens he’d been involved with had all transitioned?

I’ve personally stumbled across two transmen in the past couple of months who identified themselves as such. Who knows how many I’ve met without knowing the state of their junk? To paraphrase Trans-America, “They walk among you.

The solution for those who take offense @ reading hyperbolic analogies to rape and being pitted on the SDMB is as clear as the reflective stripes on the Central Park Jogger’s running shoes: From this point forward, anyone wishing to express analogous references to how they feel after being called out shall refer to their pittings as bukkake sessions. Not only is it more descriptive for those under attack - it’s a better fit for most every call-out post in the forum.

I hate to say “me too!”, but I was gong to jump in to say the equivalent of this. It’s unusual for someone to live on a boat. It’s very rare for someone to have dated someone who later changed their gender, much less three times. It’s rare for someone to have hooked up with a nationally recognized celebrity. It’s the uncommon exception in the United States, not the norm, for a woman to have been raped. (Yeah, I know some Dopers claim half of all women in the US have been raped, but we’ve been there before.) It’s probably extremely rare that a non-Mason has witnessed initiation rites. But all of these? Did she also sneak into Mecca, snowboard down K2, have Liza Minelli and a tomato as her two best friends, and have a boyfriend whose horse at Saratoga naturally won, after which he flew his Learjet up to Nova Scotia to see the total eclipse of the sun?

Everytime I read one of her posts I picture a sweaty, burly middle aged dude wearing dirty boxers and a wife beater.

I don’t like reading her posts.

Yes, I know trans-gendered people are out there but to have three ex-girlfriends become trans-gendered seems unlikely.

Notice three is the magic number when FDH is inventing a mind blowing sex story:

Wait a minute – I thought she was only raped twice?

There were three rapes according to this post: Ask the Rape Victim

I think there may be another explanation and it really has nothing to do with the veracity of her claims or their legitimacy, I think she is a women hustling herself as a product and an artist. One needs only google Fried Dough Ho to discover her identity and products. As to some of the claims… I can believe them. Although there is probably some embellishment and hyerbole going on as all auteurs and artistes front.

I think to her, we are all marketing TOOLS.

I just love the bit about her seventh-grade classmates thinking she was the teacher because she “already had a chest.” I’m only five years younger than she is, and by the time I was in seventh grade, I and most of my classmates “had a chest”. A twelve-year-old girl with boobs is a girl with boobs. If they’re abnormally large, she’s a girl with abnormally large breasts. They’re not automatically a sign of maturity.

Personally, I hope she stays. I unfortunately have a slight crush on her, can’t believe her pure audaciousness and big balls. She really does have EEE or F cups.

Can it not be?

I’d be surprised, maybe not shocked. The gay guys I’ve known have all been satisfied with their dicks. A pre-op trans is a different animal than a gay man, no matter how femme.

…what happened was a bunch of snarky board bullies hijacked a General Questions thread, and things went downhill from there. And as you can see, four years later, the bullies are still laughing, as bullies do.

The Gang Rape reference was here.

The resulting pit thread.

Lowest point on the dope for me: I know it was the same for many others.

Cat Whisperer, it’s the Battle of Gang Rape Bay!

I’d like to see the pit thread, but your third link goes back to the same ATMB thread.

What was evident in those first two threads, however, was someone who expressed some undue concern about contaminants being introduced to her luggage during an inspection at the airport, and some mildly snarky responses about the undue aspect of those concerns.

Very light stuff indeed, yet she compared it explicitly with gang rape. She also compared it with lynching, too, but the gang rape thing seems to have been the launching point. Is that really the lowest point on the dope for you? Someone over-reacting to a little bit of, IMO deserved, teasing comparing it to lynching and gang rape?


It is? I don’t remember any mention of it at all since shortly after it happened.

But I’m glad you brought that up; it reminds me how much better off this board is now without the non-stop board pollution of the instigator of that thread. He utterly ruined another message board I know of - killed it aborning, he did - and it’s excruciatingly good to be reminded that he’s gone. :slight_smile:

…yeah, but Starving, your still here! :mad: And your wrong about everything!!! :wink:

Happy new year mate, still waiting to see you down under!

Clocky please stop with the rape jokes.

She knows her food and wine. Sounds like there may have been A rape or something similar like sexual assault. That said, she certainly is a black catter. Some of her stories are stretched, some are probably fantasies and some may be based off of something a friend said or did.

I hope to OG that the Anthony Bourdain story was made up as I’d hoped he had better taste.