Friendly Advice for Drunky

I do not answer questions, sorry. But, why does this question interest you ?

Ah, interesting history!

ELIZA was a computer program (really, a whole class of computer programs) from the early days of computing, where the computer attempts to hold a conversation with you. The link will say this better than I do, but it basically used text manipulation to construct its responses based on what you say to it without it ever having any understanding of the actual content of your messages. (Because obviously it didn’t actually understand you; this was the 1960s.) One of the variants used this as a way of simulating/mocking the type of psychiatrists who respond to “I feel angry” with “What does it mean to you to feel angry” or “How does being angry make you feel?”

Essentially, when you responded with “OK Boomer” by parroting it back with no apparent comprehension of the point of the phrase, you invited comparison to this class of programs that mindlessly parrot things back. And your general failure to comprehend the content of the rest of the posts here doesn’t help either.

I’m no conspiracy theorist, I’m just not blind.

Don’t worry though, I am sure Octopus will be gone soon and you can rest easy.

Dumb, he ain’t. I knew someone IRL who was exactly like ol’ Pussy. He was an outwardly normal guy who delighted in being a provocateur, and who was very good at it. It takes talent to choose the exact words that will send someone over the edge of reason in a very short period of time. The guy went after me one evening, and even though I knew what he was doing, I had him backed into a corner in about ten minutes, with other people pulling me off before I did any serious damage.

He was a veritable Hannibal Lecter; a person whose mission in life was to get into others’ heads and fuck with them. But he was also a coward. His response to physical threat was to stand still and say “My hands are in my pockets.” Perhaps our eight-legged friend is that same person, but 30 years older. It amuses me to read what he writes, but I usually know better than to step into that trap.

I thought it was funny when oct called his detractors “potty mouth,” but he hasn’t followed up with anything noteworthy.

Maybe if he had called Drunky that, it would have straightened him out.

I defy you to even find a single Woke Buzzword in those posts. You really should choose your stock rejoinders with better care.

Drunky tried too hard to get a potty mouth stamp. Drunky strikes me as someone who isn’t quite right.

Racist, misogynistic, right wing troll is a woke buzzword trifecta.

I understand you are interested in Eliza program.

I am!

I’m sure that’s literally what the Flat Earth believers say…

I’m afraid as much as I loathe the oleaginous little sack of shit, I can think of 10 worse posters without even trying. He’s just middling evil of a mildly irritating stripe. Like a Nazi-sympathizing mosquito…

How does I am make you feel?

Fuck off to your safe space. Whiny little cunt.

By popular demand! That gets a potty mouth.

Even though its being a tryhard.

Ok but that was only in one of the three posts you quoted.

Goal post shifting makes octopus sad.

Are you not aware that I took that “woke buzzword trifecta” from your very post I quoted, you drooling idiot? Who’s using buzzwords now?

It’s allowed.

With much respect, I think you give him too much credit. I do agree he’s a coward, however.

As long as he flings his desperate insults in the Pit, big deal. It’s when he poisons the rest of the board with his intolerance and misogyny that he’s a major part of the problems here. People don’t want to deal with that crap and leave. I did for quite a few months and I know I’m not the only one.

Hey daddy-o, did you even look for a job this week?