Anyone have some good ideas for some small tokens of appreciation for business colleagues that act as business hosts in Germany, Belgium, and France? You know: “Thanks for having us today. Look, I brought this x from Michigan, and thought you’d like it.” The thing is, everything that’s good already comes from those places, so one can’t show up offering American beer to the Germans, American cheese to the French, and American whatever (brussels sprouts? waffles?) to the Belgians.
So… any suggestions on things of American origin that are tasty/appropriate for people in these regions? Any ideas will be appreciated and/or used!
There’s plenty of American Beer, especially Michigan Beer, that rivals German beer. Look into Bell’s or Jolly Pumpkin if you need ideas.
Same thing with American Cheese. Wisconsin is producing some amazing cheeses, as are Vermont and other states. Carr Valley, Haystack Mountain, and others are good.
Michigan is a big waffle and Brussels sprout state. Check into Flint’s special Brussels sprout Maple Syrup waffles. ( OK, maybe this last one is a bit of a stretch).
Better not let the Canucks hear you say that. They like maple syrup so much they put the leaf on their flag.
I always took a bottle of wine and or a bottle of American booze. A nice California wine plus a bottle of Jim Beam or Jack Daniel’s was always welcome in Sweden where such things are taxed out the ass.
As it so happens, some of the guys at the facility in Belgium are likely to be Swedish guys, and you probably know who I mean.
American booze seems like a great idea! I always seem to overlook what’s taken for granted here. I guess that’s why I’m asking.
Maple syrup and sugar are great suggestions, too, and it’s even a (seasonal) Michigan product. I bet they’re probably used to that fake Karo stuff (and trust me, that’s not even as good as our own fake Mrs. Butterworth stuff).
ASAKMOTSD, I really was trying to think of a way to bring real Coneys over there for a bit!
Which is normally okay, except for most of them, we’re part of the same company. The others are suppliers; I would fully expect them to invite me out and foot the bill!
A small calendar with pictures of your state, a local product (chocolate wrapped in foil printed with your state flag), a small book of photos of your state’s birds/flowers/waterways have all been received appreciatively when I travel, and are a step up for keychains with the university’s mascot on them.