Fringe - January 13, 2012

Pretty good episode.

In the last scene I wonder if that was the observer who let himself get shot so that the woman he fell in love with could live.

And come to think of it, Peter is being incredibly selfish. He wants both worlds to put aside their life and death struggles to help him get home. I can understand his desire, but to have an attitude of, “It’s not my fight” and then expecting the others to care about his problem…

I hope I have misunderstood something - or did Peter & Olivia just blithely crank up the machine again that caused at least 2 universes to fracture?? Or is supposed to be less damaging in this combined universe?

Also seems very easy to check out tech from Massive Dynamic (envisages slot in Massive Dynamic’s storeroom door with sign saying “After 17.00 please slip universe bridge machine through slot in door”)

That wasn’t the big mega machine that split/combined the universes (though that is what Peter is looking for). This was the makeshift one that Walter used to cross over and grab Peter, at Reiden Lake.

Right, and using that machine started the fractures.

Also, to answer TPWombat’s second question, I thought it was a little too easy myself, but then this is the FBI making the request, not civilians. And with Nina trying to pretend to be Oliva’s best friend I could see her approving the request.

I haven’t been too happy with this season so far, until this episode. Things seem to be turning around now. I actually said “yay!” out loud when they revealed who the bad guy was. I knew we’d be seeing him again eventually.

I guess that using the machine the first time caused the fracture, but using it again won’t cause any more damage. They didn’t amber the opera house because once they turned it off there were no other effects.

Yeah, that’s pretty much my feelings as well.

Yeah, this time there seemed to be no effect. I wonder why.

Thank you! There were a couple of scenes in that episode I would have gave Peter the big middle finger.

I’m confused that Peter thinks he actually has a universe to go back to. The way I understand it he actually reset his Universe back to where it was before he survived Reiden Lake. Even if the Universe he reset still exists, it still wouldn’t remember him. The Universe that remembers him was doomed.

He believes he crossed over to a new universe (or two universes really) where he died at the lake. He thinks there’s still two universe out there where Peter survived, and went missing after activating the machine. Really, we don’t know if that’s the truth or not.

I am just as selfish as Peter. I do not want to end the series in these two miserable universes. And since my desire won’t really destroy two universes, I’m routing for good ole Pete.

too confusing - will probably be canceled, though I love it.

Really. I’m OK with those universes crashing and burning if things (and by things, I mainly mean Walter) start being fun again…

I mean, don’t get me wrong, I still enjoy watching Fringe, I like the plot and the mystery, but besides all that, the blue/red Fringe simply was a lot more fun to watch than this one.

Oh, and it’s totally Olivia’s migraines that ultimately will turn out the key to things going back to ‘normal’.

We know why she has the migraines. It’s because Nina is gassing her for some unknown reason.

I guess it’s possible that solving that mystery could bring everything back to normal. But I’m thinking it has to do with the watcher’s warning about Olivia having to die.

I also feel bad for alt-Broyles. That’s two timelines he’s died in now.

Maybe the watcher was alluding to the fact that Peter really will destroy universes. That’s why the Observers tried to obliterate him.

I have a bad feeling that the reason that one watcher didn’t erase Peter won’t be revealed. It will probably be dropped like a lot of other plots have been.

I hope I’m wrong though.

That is what I thought.

Oh, I did not before this episode realize he truly thought that.

I thought it was the bringing back of someone from the other universe which caused the fractures, or indeed, stopping someone from dying in that universe…

Indeed, I do wonder what the fuss is about with Walternate. His boy was going to be dead unless Walter saved him. Well, that, and apart from the big universe fractures. Ahem.

What? Did I miss a scene in this ep or something?