Fuck Alberta

And my point is, there hasn’t been an economical argument in favor of Albertan Oil for years, almost decades now. Both the provincial and federal governments have been shoveling money, in one form or another, to the Albertan oil industry, and they keep laying people off, because even with that support, they can’t make a profit.

At this point, Alberta is like Newfies fishing in empty oceans, but without the jokes.

Or the songs.

Made me think of this Stan Rogers song:

I mean, Corb Lund is pretty awesome.

Ok, and KD Lang and I was being a little facetious.:grin: Then there’s this…Alberta cuts postsecondary funding in new provincial budget - The Globe and Mail

These idiots are destroying this place.

And more. https://calgaryherald.com/news/politics/how-alberta-went-from-kleins-paid-in-full-years-to-record-debt-in-2021-budget

But it’s all the NDP’s fault…right.

Now you made me cry.

One of my favourites, and I’m an Ontario liberal. Stan Rogers and k.d. lang are great as well.

Well, to be fair, many in Alberta blame Trudeau.

Of course, they also blame him for the weather, for starting World War 1 and for when they stepped on a nail last Thursday. Trudeau is evil that way.

Come on, it’s objectively true that starting WWI was one of the most evil things in history.

But they didn’t start the fi-re.

Yeah, but Gavril Princip was obviously from Ontario…

8 posts were split to a new topic: BrendanWong trolling posts

A post was merged into an existing topic: BrendanWong trolling posts

A bunch of troll posts and replies were removed. Please don’t feed the trolls.

Awww. Shucks. :+1:

I miss something?

Apparently Brendan’s posts were teleported to the Mod Zone, surrounded by an impenetrable energy barrier that only mods can traverse.

Yeah, he and his posts were sent to the Cornfield. I actually haven’t seen such a juvenile troll in quite a while.

Just go read the comments section of the National (com)Post. That’s where they breed them.