This afternoon I went shopping. At a sporting goods store I bought some shirts, a pair of shorts, socks, and a jockstrap. Guess which one had an anti-theft tag attached? The jockstrap! :mad: However the jockstrap came folded up in a sealed plastic container that I had to cut open. Since it was in a sealed package how was the clerk supposed to know there was an anti-theft tag in there (though it didn’t go off when I left so it was deactivated :dubious: )? Now usually when I buy clothes I do check to make sure the tags are off before I left, but I’m not in the habit of opening packages of underwear at the checkstand. Nor have I ever bought underwear with an anti-theft tag on it. None of the other items I bought had tags. I tried to get the tag off myself, but failed several times. Apparently I’m also not even allowed to ask how to get the fucking tag off on these boards. So sometime next week I have to make time to drive 30 minutes eachway and go back to the store to get them to remove it. Either that or I just wasted 12 dollars. All over a damn jockstrap.
Try a hammer.
oh c’mon. Be a man. Wear it with the tag on (not if you are planning to go shopping)
To pry it apart or smash it? 'Cause I tried both .
I thought the purpose of an anti-theft tag was that you couldn’t leave the store without getting the tag removed. Heh, so much for “anti-theft”.
Does it vibrate?
I think it would be more fun to wear it while shopping, and then to go through the search.
Build a bridge & get over it. Then go back to the store, with the receipt, and write a letter to corporate about it. Or take hacksaw to the damn thing & hope it isn’t the kind that spews dye everywhere. Either way, kwitcherbitchen. Life is hard, it’s not fair, the clerk is evil, the Universe doesn’t give a shit, and if this is the worst thing that ever happens to you, then you should count your blessings.
I’ve driven 26 miles, in Vegas traffic, each way, twice for one on an on-sale shirt. Don’t whine to me when you haven’t even tried to take care of it the legal, rational way.
It is perfectly legal for him to remove or attempt to remove the tag himself. It is also perfectly rational.
He said he took a hammer to it, and it didn’t work. He was told to cut it off. If none of those solutions work, and he is too lazy to go to the store and ask how to remove it, and will not provide details here on why cutting/smashing it won’t work, what other responses do you think he will get?
I must have missed the part where he said this. Where was that again?
I missed the part wher he provided the details. Where was that again?
Dude, go back to the store. Its as simple as that.
General discussions of the tags and the OP are fine, but do not post any information or speculation as to how to remove the tags.
I’ve bought things online that have come with those stupid anti theft tags.Twice this happened to me.Once I took them back to a local store,and once I got dye all over a brand new pair of PJ bottoms because I didn’t feel like going through the bother of shipping them back to have it removed.
Aw come on, we both know that nuking it from orbit is the only way to be sure.
When this happened to ME, I did not find out until a few weeks later, when I was getting ready to go someplace really special where I would actually wear the dress.
I called the store and let’er rip–I was quite mad. The store–it was Lord & Taylor–offered to send someone out to my house to remove the thing. But I didn’t have time to wait for them. It turned out to be quicker for me to swing by the store on my way to my event.
It’s a good thing this happened in my hometown and not while I was on a business trip or L&T would have really got an earful.
I think you’re within your rights to call them up and insist that they come and fix THEIR mistake, but let’s face it, not every store is Lord & Taylor. Still, that’s the first thing I’d try. And if that didn’t work the second thing would be returning it for its full retail value and writing a really scorching letter to the corporate office.
The thing did set off the alarm as I went out. Having just legitimately paid for everything in my sack I thought, very self-righteously, “Hah, they got somebody!” and went innocently on my way.
(PS, the trick is not removing them but removing them without damaging the garment. I hope I haven’t said too much.)
Mwah haha. I am one step closer to finding your true identity.
From the list of people alphaboi867 could be…
Why would anyone care if there was dye all over a jockstrap? Unless he was a rent-a-stripper, in which case he might prefer it that way…
[QUOTE=alphaboi867 Guess which one had an anti-theft tag attached? The jockstrap! :mad: However the jockstrap came folded up in a sealed plastic container that I had to cut open. Since it was in a sealed package how was the clerk supposed to know there was an anti-theft tag in there (though it didn’t go off when I left so it was deactivated :dubious: )? .[/QUOTE]
Sorry, I don’t beleive you. The anti-theft tags that spew dye are never hidden inside, are rarely installed by the manufacturor and are put on high end items. Three strikes, you’re out. :dubious: Oh and the fourth strike was you trying to bypass the board rules here.
Now there are the magnetic tags. But if you walked out of a store with one of those, you’d just peel it off and toss it.
Oh and when you take it back to the store, make sure you have your reciept. :dubious: