Although I agree with the sentiment in the title, that’s not what this thread is about. I’m just wondering if anyone saw what I saw? In the first half of the Saints/Eagles game (which is still going while I write this) they were doing their usual crowd reaction shot. As usual they either focus in on someone dressed goofy or a blonde with big boobies. In this case they went with the big boobies. This time there was a surprise. For some reason the camera man missed that on the blondes shirt was the phrase “FUCK DA EAGLES” in gold letters on a black shirt. If this was the Superbowl it would be as bad as Nipplegate.
Yup, that was there. Mr. Athena saw it and was running around laughing at it.
I thought I saw that. No wonder they cut away from that camera so quickly.
Not surprisingly, you can already view it on YouTube:
I saw it, too, and the first question that came to my mind, as I’m an engineer, is “How did the shirt stay on when she raised her arms like that? Is this some new use for butt-stick*?”
- If you’ve ever had a daughter in gymnastics, you know that butt-stick is the reason their clothes stay where they’re supposed to be when they jump, twist, and otherwise gyrate like that.
Absolutely hilarious. I wonderif any dopers out there are in the TV biz. Is that something where they camera operator knew exactly what he was looking at before that got on TV? I told Mrs. Slug that somewhere in a production trailer outside the Super Bowl, a camera operator must be getting chewed out pretty bad.
Girl’s kinda cute.
I definitely saw it…and I didn’t think they cut away nearly as quickly as I would have expected!
Yeah, we actually re-wound the DVR a couple times to make sure because at first I thought maybe it was some kind of “play on words”.
If the T-Shirt was using “Da” instead of “The” specifically to make fun of “Philly-speak”, they should have gone all the way with:
Fuck Da Iggles
(There are probably more people in Philadelphia who say “Eagles” rather than “Iggles”, but then again, there are more people in Philadelphia who say “the” rather than “da”, but if the point was to make fun of Phiily-speak they should have gone with “Iggles”.)
We saw it and were surprised that later they showed her again. Don’t tell the FCC.
I saw the [del]cute girl[/del] shirt the day after I heard Sharks hockey fans chanting loudly and clearly “bullshit” repeatedly on a Fox telecast. Can the FCC hold a broadcaster responsible for stuff like that?
For crowd noise in a live braodcast? I can’t see how (but I wouldn’t swear to it). For purposely focusing in on a fan with the offending comment? Why not? Of course the FCC is not supposed to be a police force. They don’t seek out evil on the airwaves. They are only supposed to react to specific complaints from the public. No complaint no FCC action.
That’s the thing, the FCC has severly tightened rules regarding what can be forgiven as accidental. Combine this with the near guarantee that somebody will complain, then organize their busybody, tightassed friends for a complaint drive, and we never get to see cute girls with clever tight shirts ever again (among other things).
Made me laugh out loud. If only she’d been the contestant in some product’s halftime, ball tossing promotional event.
Yeah, it’s another of those examples where the people who dislike it are the voices that are heard.
I’m all for it, and I’d like to see more of it, but it’s not like I’ll be writing a letter asking for more profanity on TV.
Well, they held them responsible for Janet Jacksons boob tube job.
Won’t anyone please think of the children?
Considering that Fox is currently challenging the FCC’s indecency policy, particularly as it relates to live broadcasts, I doubt it was accidental.
Now, that’s an interesting angle.
I don’t remember seeing it live. Does anyone know what time in the game/of the day it was. If it happened after 10:00 or so (and if **Geobabe **here is right), FOX may be trying to head off the “children are watching” argument at the pass.