Fuck Notre Dame, Fuck Touchdown Jesus and Fuck Jesus.


Whenever someone disagrees with you, it’s “trolling”.

It used to be against the rules to label someone a “troll”. The reason for that was because it made it too easy to dismiss someone’s arguement.

It was a mistake to change that rule. Now, if someone has an unpopular view, rather than argueing the point (i.e. “fighting ignorance”, if that be the case) all you do now is call “troll” and that’s it.

It’s a convenient cover for shallow-minded people like you who have nothing to offer.

Mods, make a note. Get rid of the rule that makes it acceptable to label someone with a differing opinion a “troll”.

It makes it too easy for the weak-minded.

Ok, you’re a fucktard. Happy?

Well, to be fair I was merely posting in the light-hearted spirit that this thread previously held. If you would like to know, then no, I don’t think you are a troll, nor do I believe the OP is. I just think that the OP tried to be shocking, and was met with a lot of rolly-eyes. So you felt you needed to come back in and make everything angry again.

Why? If the topic makes you so upset then why not address the subject of the thread rather than attack everyone for not taking it very seriously.

People actually might take you seriously (as I didn’t in my initial reply) if you didn’t just go around behaving so abrasively.
If you want to address the “troll” naming rule, then fine. Start a thread, I will be happy to talk about it with you there.

Would you like an emoticon? I can fetch one up happily.

When will the persecution of Christians stop in this country? Maybe when one finally gets elected president.

Fuck Buddha*.
And if there is one, fuck Touchdown Buddha, too.

*Especially the fat Buddha, cause that would be a two-fer.

The Pit is the only place that allows this. You don’t have to post there, you know.

Oh wait. That’s the only place you post. Nevermind, then. Carry on.


Well, you seem to want to stir everything up into a big rant. That’s fine, I enjoy a good trainwreck as much as the next guy. No I am really not a big fan of personal attacks, but provocative is a dish I can dine on all night.

You seem upset that no one here really took the original OP serioulsy. Can you blame us. Our guest has started such immediate classic threads like:

**Any reason these two should not have gotten it on? ** (incest related)

**How much does your feces weigh? **

**Why can’t you say fat people are disgusting? **

**Should we tax fat people? **

and now…

A guy eat Muhammad the Prophet … in cookie form
Now please keep in mind, this is no reason to hit him with the ban-stick in my humble opinion. In fact, I don’t love this guy, I LOVE this guy. I haven’t had this much fun watching a new guest in some time.

But can you blame us for not taking the OP’s Pit “vitriol” very seriously. This thread has been a serious at fun pokes and prods that you seem very offended by. SO then you have to come in and be soooooo angry that no one is taking this thread very seriously. Can you not at least understand why?

If you took the troll comment as an insult, then yes, I’ll apologize. I would only ask that you lay off this tone of being so offended by everyone here. I’m really trying very hard to appeal to some sort of reason here.

To be fair, Jesus killed my whole family.

Uh, I don’t know the joke, though I do hate Notre Dame.

6 Points!

Touchdown Jesus and Touchdown Buddha ain’t got shit on Touchdown Jim Morrison.


Well, madmen of the evil genius variety are often found in their lairs, but I don’t know that they found Jesus. I just can’t see Dr. Evil in Jesus.

Well to get back to the OP, it is bullshit- that’s what roasts are for and full of- bawdy offensive jokes. Is there some rule that the hired comedians can work blue but the co-workers can’t? And anyway, its not like anyone heard the comments outside of those in the room. Obiously she felt she had to apologize to keep her job, which is shit as well. If she weren’t so butt ugly I don’t think she would have gotten in trouble- Suzy Kolber could have gotten away with it.

And I read the crowd was booing her for her bawdiness? At a fucking roast? Who did they have in the friggin audience?

Thanks Robin, I sent that to all my silly Irish fan friends. After I finished laughing my ass off that is.

MBG - Who was brought up knowing that my favorite college team was whoever was playing the Irish that week.

Even now, you can get those post-9-11 FDNY hats. If you go to a shop that presses their own transfers, you can have them rearrange the letters to say: