Fuck the Marlins

What? What the hell are you talking about?

Is it wrong that I’m smiling as I imagine arterial blood shooting out of Steinbrenner’s temple?

And yeah, I wanted the Cubs also. But the Marlins got it done. Good on them.

Hell, we’ve ALL done that! :smiley:

I’ve heard from several sources that the Marlins won using the “small ball”. This just doesn’t seem fair to me. The only reason the Yankees weren’t hitting the balls out of the park was they couldn’t hit the smaller ball that the Marlins were using.


As a Yankee fan, I congratulate the Marlins as a team . They beat the Yankees at their own game, and McKeon, Pudge, Cabrera, Dontrelle and the rest deserve their sucess. They certainly make a great feel-good story.

But fuck Miami as a baseball town. I get the Miami Herald here in Panama, and you know how many stories on the Marlins there have been? One on Sunday, one today, plus one of Greg Cote’s moronic columns claiming the Marlins will be a new dynasty even as he points out how many of the core players are already on the block. Meanwhile there are several full pages on football, plus stories on hockey, stock car racing, and everything else.

Miami fans had a right to be pissed off over what happened in 1997, but it’s still pretty obvious that down deep they don’t really give a rat’s ass about baseball, even now.

If the Yankees had to lose, I would rather it have been to the Cubs or Giants, or even to the Red Sox for the pennants. All those cities deserved it more than Miami did. (And I’m still pissed off about Cleveland losing to the Marlins in 1997.)

Aren’t a lot of the young players on this Marlins team the result of the dismantling of the previous World Series team?

I’m referring to the way he bitched and moaned after this game:


And the way that he then proceeded to go out and come back from a 7 run deficit the next night, after the Red Sox had eased up on them and not stolen at least 3 bases that they could have, in the 7th inning.

Jack wants it both ways. Half of him is “wah wah, We got beat, don’t rub it in!”, and then the next night, when the Sox didn’t rub it in, he turned on the afterburners and won. Personally, I think the second loss was the Sox fault, but Jack McKeon is a fucktard of the highest order with no understanding of the “unwritten rules” of baseball and how they apply to him.

Or maybe he played the game better than the Red Sox and got his team a win. Just like when the manager goes out to argue the call, he’s not really expecting that call to be reversed but to maybe sway the ump into giving him a favorable call next time.

McKeon went on the air, got inside Little’s head and squeaked out a win the next night. Good for him.

So… who got third place?

If’n you ask me the Cubs and Sox oughta be out there right now deciding that. Everybody’s always so concerned about first place. Screw that. I wanna pull out my chest and chant “We’re #3!”

As a Red Sox fan I’d just like to say a very hearty Fuck You! to the Yankees and the head asshole Darth Steinbrenner.

Thank you Marlins for lessening my hurt just a little bit. Oh and Grady Little, seeya…

There there Honey, act like you’ve been here before. This is the third consecutive year to gloat that the Yankees didn’t win the Series (and last year they didn’t even make it to the ALCS, the losers!) Ha! They have yet to win one this century!

As a Red Sox fan living and working in (or at least 50 miles to the east of) the heart of Yankeedom, I have adopted a slightly condescending tone as the best way to irk the Yankeephiles post world series. They’ve even started to say “wait 'til next year.”

Ooh and I gotta say I think firing Grady Little was a mistake - who are we gonna get? At least he got them there.

Jeff Loria was involved, with the expressed written consent of MLB, in the shady clusterfuck of a shell game that involved the Marlins, the Expos and I think that another team was involved as well. Yet another lowlight (in a period full of them) from the Bud Selig era.

I’m sick of the tired repeat of “unworthy fans”. What other product do you get blamed for not buying enough of it, even when they’re selling you a crappy product. And apparently the timing of when you show you interest is important.

I say this as an 11 year season ticket holder of the Marlins. But apparently I should buy more season tickets to become worthy is people’s eyes.

I agree. Giving a bad team support means they have less incentive to try to win.

Petey, it ain’t about that…It’s about the Miami Herald posting directions to the field on game day, (say what you will about the Cubs, but dammit, everybody knows how to get to Wrigley) it’s about the majority of the Marlins’ fans not giving a tinkers damn until the boys start winning, you’re the exception, sure, but even Dave Barry chides you all a bit.

As a 16 year Cub fan, I’m happy for ya that your team won and all, but as a fan, do I think you deserve it? Hell no. Just IMO.

That having been said, I’m positively raucous at the defeat of the fucking Yanks. Good for the upstart fish, hopefully they, along with the Red Sox and the Cubbies (next year), can keep Stumblebrenner in such a dither, he won’t know whether to shit or go blind, and that overrated Jeter off of my TV with those Gawdawful Visa commercials.

Hasta la bye-bye you Yankee sonsabitches…BAWHAWHAWHAWHAW!!!

As a Brewer fan and a Red Sox fan (I have twice the chance of my team winning the series :stuck_out_tongue: ), a hearty fuck you to the Yankees from a fan in the midwest.

The marlin team deserved it, McKeon deserved it. I only watched the playoffs and the series this year so they were new to me. Beckett was unreal. How he struck Sammy out in the 9th inning of game 7, making him looked so outmanned, then simply walking off the mound emotionless was impressive.

What? Only locals go to the World Series? You ever think maybe the directions were for out-of-towners? Yeah, everbody in Chicago knows where Wrigly is, just as everybody in LA knows where Dodger Stadium is. But when tickets are going for 20 times thier normal cost, a lot of visitors are coming. The map, it seems, is a nice touch.

BTW, you really don’t get any points for supporting a loser for 16 years, despite what you think. Any nobody gives a fuck who you think deserves what. It’s fairly well established that the team that wins is the team that deserves the championship. That’s why they play the games. The fans got NOTHING to do with that. No fans and no town deserve a championship. They are being treated to a good and entertaining product.

Personally, I’m amazed that the Marlins have drawn as well as well as they have. They don’t have the history that the Cubs have. They had just been sold to the nefarious idiot owner of the Expos after being scrunged by Wayne Whatshisname. They are a very young team trying to attract a fan base. And they have a crappy football stadium in a climate where you get a lot of rain in the early evening. They drew 500,000 more fans than last year. If they don’t screw up, they’ll draw more next year.

It takes time to develop a steady fan base. They are on the right track. If they get a stadium with a retractable roof, they’re golden.