I’ll try to be detailed, yet concise. I’ve been throwing money at Live service for years.
The latest incarnation has me indebted about $300 or so, between subscription fees, downloads, points, accessories, etc in the last 6 months. The card on the account has been in good standing with the bank for over a decade, never a problem with it, never a reason to think anything would be a problem.
Until 2 weeks ago. I tried to re-up for Gold service and was denied. About $60 spent on points before that, then WHAM!, denied the re-up of $50. With about $600 sitting in the account and the card working everwhere else. An e-mail to them was replied with a request to call Cust Serv. OK, I have an hour to spare dealing with phone support, why not?
So, after being put on hold 5 times, I was told that the account was cancelled due to “Suspicion of Fraud.” WTF?! Who the fuck is using my card?!? As I was worrying about this, the rep told me it was something with my bank. OK. I can handle that, maybe they’ve seen something else I haven’t yet that will protect me from something unseen. No problem, I’ll just call the bank tomorrow and get this straightened out.
Nope. Doesn’t matter. The bank cancelled the account so I can’t ever ever ever get it reinstated. Wait, what?
I started working on this aspect of database management within the service’s structure, and was finally able to get the guy to admit that they, in fact, closed the account based on whatever they heard from the bank.
Of course, they couldn’t tell me anything, ever, about the specifics of the problem, nor could they ever tell the bank the specifics, since it was suspicious of fraud. Good to know there may be a problem, they just can’t tell anyone what it might be. The conviction is in it seems.
So after all the money spent, all the time invested, I’m out everything as regards to this account. Forever. No refunds, don’t pass Go, but give us the $200 anyway.
The PS3 is out tomorrow. I’ll need some scratch to get one, and it kills me to even entertain the idea of making such a major change. But in 20 years of dealing with Sony, I’ve never had this much hassle.
And before anyone gets on a Microsoft tangent, I’m not giving up on the company overall. I’m giving up on the XBox department and the lack of common sense in outsourcing to countries that aren’t filled with employees that are so robotic they’re more concerned with the paycheck rather than, you know, serving customers.
And to wrap it all up, I’ve recently moved to a cust serv position for a company that I would be shocked to learn you’ve never used. There are no end to callers that express releif for getting an American on the phone when they call. I’ve gotten the feeling that it’s not because of any accent or such, it’s a cultural thing where not everything is handled based on what the script says.
Fuck XBox Live, fuck the customer “service”, and fuck me for all the money invested into this account that is forever lost due to nothing I’ve done.
So, is Guitar Hero 2 going to be available online?