Fuck you, Blockbuster Video! Fuck you hard!


I’ve been checking out that link, and by george it looks like the answer to our prayers. They have a bajillion French and Japanese films, which I adore, and that’s just the beginning. I’m still reviewing their film index. ::chortling with glee::

Thank you very much for posting it.

Hey… I like Shakes the Clown!

Oops…we’re not in Cafe Society, are we?



Since no one else has said it yet…

Maybe the Blockbuster clerk was the older sister of one of those children who dared play in the park where you sunbathe.
MSK, you couldn’t get a firm grip on reality with a pair of velcro gloves and a shop vac.

I had Blockbusters put a notation on file that they are not to rent to me unless I show them my ID. I have heard too many stories of other people renting off accounts that aren’t theirs then not returning the movies.

In the last 3 years since I put in the request, the clerks have ALWAYS asked for my ID. Too bad more of them didn’t do their job before so I wouldn’t have had to make a special point of getting the request on file.

Suck it up MSK.

I haven’t rented a movie from BlockBastard since I bought my DVD player 4 years ago. They’re the worst deal in the movie rental biz. It’s like buying CD’s at Camelot Music in the malls - $17.99 for a CD??? You gotta be shitting me…

Sure, unless you buy a satellite dish from them for $49.99 and get 52 free rentals, not to mention the rent one rent one free coupons and the two free videos per month if you joing their special rewards program for $9.99 per year.

i hate blockbuster. i’d boycott but indianapolis is a corporate bitch. there is an alarmingly small percentage of independent stores, restaurants, etcetera in town.

in college i rented some stupid movie from blockbuster and my girl too it back a couple hours late. they sent all their crap to my parents at home, since my credit card (my identification) was addressed to them. apparently they gave up and chraged said credit card, which was FOR IDENTIFICATION PURPOSES ONLY, and once again, my parents got the bill. since parents get a lot of crap for their college kids while they’re away, they tossed everything. my credit card was for emergency purposes only, so they didn’t think it was a bill. so when i get home i happen to open one of those bills up, and i owe like 300 bucks to mastercard for keeping some shitty movie for 3 hours after its deadline.

mastercard surprisingly waived all fees, for a theiving, savage credit card company they’ve been very understanding to me and have waived 5-6 late fees for me in the last 5 years.

but fuck blockbuster, i boycotted them at school because we had actual choices. here the closest 5, yes, i said 5 video rental joints are blockbuster. so i unless i want to drive 20 minutes away, i’m screwed.