Fuck you, Blockbuster Video! Fuck you hard!

Hey, it’s time for me, the official SDMB video martyr. I worked as a video clerk for a store suspiciously like Blockbuster for a bit.

There are good reasons to check IDs and verify information. It isn’t always done, but if you look shifty eyed or otherwise look like you are not trustworthy, they will ask for ID. You really arn’t allowed to rent unless your name is specifically on the account. Chances are your name is not, but clerks have been letting it slip by. You’ll have to have your mom come in and put your name specifically on the account.

The alternative is having accounts that anyone can rent on your account if they can guess your name. BBV employess really, really, really don’t like having to deal with customers that are upset because someone stole a couple hundred dollars worth of videos using their account. The best way to keep (justifiably) irate customers from bugging us is to prevent this kind of fraud in the first place. Thus if you walk in looking shifty eyed and saying stock phrases like “I’m her son!” and “I’ve always rented on this acount”, the employee is probably not going to believe you. We’ve seen too many ex-husbands, teenage daughters, and random people off the street come in an screw up other people’s accounts.

I don’t know about this whole calling-the-house thing. It seems a little intrusive, but then again, they wouldn’t do it if people didn’t lie all the time about their numbers. BBV needs some reasonable grasp on your identy because they are loaning you their property- property which is worth a lot of money (new releases often cost hundreds of dollars because BBV has to buy them before their release date at inflated prices.) Yeah, it sucks, but it does make sense.

And, um, you probably made the clerk happy when you said you were taking your business elsewhere. Most BBV robots would love to see the place burn in flames. Every time someone said that to me I smiled and said they would probably be better off if they did.

Lets see if I can clear a couple things up…

Tax on late movies: When you bring a movie in late, BBV doesn’t really give you a fee as much as they rent it to you again. They just assume you meant to renew your rental of it- and you can keep it for the full rental period without getting charged again. The disadvantage to that is that they charge you like a regular rental.

Automatic Charging: BBV makes every attempt possible to notify people of late fees and collect them without resorting to chargeing. But people lie about their addresses and phone numbers (hence the verification thing)… People move, and then don’t tell Blockbuster. After a while, they get sick of sending letters out into the void, and just charge you for it. I’m afraid this was your fault for not supplying current information.

I’m not saying BBV is good or perfect or even decent, but they arn’t run by grinning devils out to make your life miserable, either.

Amen to that, Elvis. There are two movie categories at BlockBuster: Drama and Comedy. What happened to Classic? Foreign? Documentary? Gone. And those were the categories I mainly rented from. We did the NetFlix thing for awhile, but we rapidly ran through all of the movies we wanted to see from them, and besides, they claimed we never returned one of their movies and charged us $40 for it. We did return it; but what’s to stop some kid at the post office from pinching the obvious red-enveloped NetFlix DVD? So we no longer rent anything and just wait for Bravo or IFC to show something good.

and the clouds parted
and the gods shone unto us.
They presented this mana from heaven to smit BBV:

I tried Netflix and found that I couldn’t get enough movies to make it worthwhile. Great idea, great service–I just don’t have time to watch enough movies every month to justify the cost.

However, if Netflix started sending out PS2 games, I’d be all over that.

And no one’s done a Randall quote yet?

“I could do without the customers at the video store.”

“Which ones?”

“All of them.”


See, I rent at the Blockbuster store near the house. I’m on the family card, haven’t lived at the parental home in AGES. Hell, it’s my dad’s signature on the back of the card, with his name. They never ask, they never check ID.

Wait, no, once they did… checked the driver’s license.

Sounds like you had a crappy bitch-from-hell on the other side of the counter. Write a letter to her manager, (did you get her name from her nametag?) and bring it in yourself.

You’ll feel better

My mom’s the regional trainer for the New England BBV region. Trust me, they take it very, very seriously when the actions of one of their employees causes them to lose a customer. Also, if this girl was an ass to you, it’s highly likely she’s an ass to a lot of other people who come in the store. You said in the OP you’d like to get her fired… well, a quick call to BBV’s cutsey little 800 number (I’m pretty sure they still have an number dedicated just to complaining about employees) could do just that.

Just thought I’d chime in in case anyone else has a bad experience with an employee and is thinking about complaining.


Time to up the lithium dosage again.

You need to re-read my posts. I had CURRENT information, in hand, with me at the time of application. She refused to view my current information when I offered it to her during application.

[li]I had my car registration, which is current and valid. (submitted)[/li][li]I had my most recent insurance statement, which is current and valid. (declined by employee)[/li][li]I had my driver’s license, which current and vaild. (submitted)[/li][li]I had my state id, which is current and valid. (submitted)[/li][/ul]
I could have shown my Social Security Card as well.

What the hell else do they fucking want?

Birth certificate?
DNA test sample?
Retinal scan?
Blood test?
Dental records?

I don’t see many other ways I proving who I am and where I live, plus my phone number, short of physically inviting the employee to my home, and giving them the grand tour. That’s never gonna happen.

Christ, I think you can get nuclear launch codes easier than that. Buncha putzes.

The thing that drove me from Blockbuster is how they can’t keep their database complete- it only contains people who’ve rented in the last 3 months or so from that particular Blockbuster. I am super forgetful and only rent movies about twice a year, so it seemed as though every time I came in it was the same “no card? You’re not in our database.” rigmarole. I ended up with ~3 accounts because I’d have to get a new one every time. C’mon, how hard can it be to design a more efficient and complete database than that? It’s not like the local library forgets who I am if I don’t check out a book every three months.

Bugger, Blockbuster, bugger, blah, blah…
I know, criticising somebody’s mothers will lead to bad karma but…

Man, I saw that trainwreck coming. Mum made two mistakes, she obviously didn’t put your name on her card and what’s up with denying that you live at that address? That won’t help even if it is a telemarketer calling.

Good rant, definitely in my league!

I have to say, some of the people that work at Blockbuster are pretty cool, but they do hire their share of a-holes.

I also am a little burned up that they raised their rates to OVER $4.00 FOR A FUCKING VIDEO RENTAL- so! Forget to turn that movie in on time? Car breaks down? Yep you get boned for another 4 bucks. I refuse to rent from BB unless I have a coupon.

I would take your story and email Blockbuster about it, be specific, but do not be quite as vitriolic as you were here. You’ll probably get a card AND some gift certificates! :smiley:

If you take movies seriously at all, you don’t rent from Blockbuster if you have an alternative, because they are the enemy. Plus this.

Over the top. Way over the top. Like wearing a nautical print tie and a blazer with anchors on the brass buttons. Not to mention a particularly vile thought.

Do you mean to tell us, Sue Duhnym, that you have never gotten any idiotic clerks, never had any rental issues and always gotten correct orders every time you’ve gone out to eat?!

I can recommend a rent-by-mail operation called Home Film Festival. They have a zillion titles, including lots of older movies, foreign films, artsy-fartsy stuff, gay-themed stuff, and documentaries (in addition to the usual drama and comedy stuff). They are the anti-Blockbuster.

Call me Sue, Anya!

No, I didn’t mean to tell you that at all. Nor did I even write it.

What I meant is that MSK needs anti-psychotic drugs.

Getting fucked over at Blockbuster should not be suprising in the least. Calling a teenage peon a “whore” (not to mention “little cunt” twice), saying “someone must die!” and shredding (shredding!) coupons is all waaaaaay over the top.

Couple that with MSK’s chronic woe-is-me threads about how he can’t get a woman, can’t work, and has to still live with his mom and you have someone who is…well, let me just say this:

If you put an infinite number of MSK’s into a room with an infinite number of typewriters for an infinite amount of time you wouldn’t end up with Shakespeare, you’d end up with Shakes the Clown.

You know, it’s possible that the clerk could’ve misdialed. I mean, just saying. . .

I always get my license checked when I rent movies. But, yeah, getting a card there is MUCH harder than getting one at the library.

You know Sue, I am not denying that he whole thing was over the top, that is something i have come to expect in the Pit.

I did kind of think it was a peculiar remark to make, but that is just me. Sometimes I can only visit the boars on my nights off, so i do not doubt that i have missed quite a lot from EVERYBODY.

I could post a woe is me thread about the wallet that i lost but that is what i keep alivejournal for.

Nail on the head, Cervaise. These are the exact reasons I started boycotting Blockbuster years ago.