Fuck you, Indiana, you pathetic, putrid, miserable, waste of United States land! Damn you to burn in hell! I curse every fiber of your fucking being, Indiana! Damn every grain of soil in your fucking bowels of the earth! I would like to take this entire state, and shove it right up goatse.cx’s gaping wide asshole! What I wouldn’t give to rain a thousand nukes on this piece of maggot ridden fecal state they call Indiana!

One million nuclear explosions and F-5 tornadoes aren’t adequate enough to get rid of this mther fucking wasteland!

I’m sensing some anger over something here…

Now, I have often thought the same thing (2 years there in grad school) but had very specific reasons for it (not being able to buy a 6-pack on Sunday before the Simpsons. Oh, and Bobby Knight and the existence of the town of Martinsville). May we ask what the immediate catalyst for this outburst was?

even now, I hear Jim Nabors weeping.

I thought this was gonna be about Indiana Univ who did NOT hire Steve Alford (away from my Hawkeyes) to be their head bball coach… neener neener :smiley:

I love seeing the dead fish washed up upon West Beach.

I love the smell of burning rubber as I drive through Hammond and Gary.

I love how the entire town of Terre Haute smells like garbage.

I love that long, boring drive through central Indiana, and seeing all the cows, and smelling them. (You know, that COW smell.)

I love the freezing cold winters and blazing hot summers.

Have I forgotten anything???

Awww MSK! See this is why you have to screw everything to hell and go on a road trip!

Incidentally, thank you all for reminding me never to move to Indiana.

A few things a few of you have forgotten:

Indiana - the land time forgot. At least the land that daylight savings time forgot.

The fact that Indiana spends in the top 10th of states in education, yet consistently scores in the bottom 10th.

The fact that right now I’m sweating. I could very well be looking for a shovel within the next three hours.

The fact that because people are required to have car insurance makes them think they are invincible in a moving vehicle. Red light? Where?

Blue laws were mentioned, but I’ll throw out my hearty “Fuck you” as well.

And being from Kansas City, I’m still bitter they stole the NCAA from us. And now living in Indianapolis, I hate the Colts for beating the Chiefs in 1996.

Did I miss something?

How timely. We’ll be back in Indiana in August while my spouse takes a handplane workshop. Then we’ll continue west to visit the Cranky Family Homestead in NE. I’m planning our little trip through IN right now. My only gripe is that the travel website isn’t very well set up for “Things to do while passing thru.” It’s all about destinations and staying in one place.

Now, in defense of the place, Columbus is pretty amazing if you’re an architecture buff. Indianapolis has one of the nicest children’s museums in the country. There sure are a lot of antiques all over Indiana, too. Aren’t the dunes nice? [Haven’t been there to personally check them out].

So what’s your specific beef, MSK?

Yeah! Don’t mince words! Tell us how you really feel! :smiley:

Fuckin’ A, MSK.


Ahhh, Munchy, you neglect to mention that 95% of the state doesn’t change their clocks. Those in NW Indiana (my home area) do indeed use daylight savings time. How messed up is that? :wink:

Originally posted by capybara

My job requires me to spend time in Martinsville on occasion. Backwoods Martinsville, by myself … if that doesn’t give you shivers, I don’t know what will.

So what did the great Hoosier State do to piss you off?

Was it the Governor suspending our gas tax last fall because we had that huge state surplus, and now we have a huge shortfall? (Buying votes with taxpayer money – clever political manuevering, that.)

Ah… Indiana…

A state where all the natives are either really smart (and typically move out) or really really dumb and either live in a trailer park or become Vice President

Don’t you just love the smell of hot steel and sulfur whafting on the morning breeze?

A state where you can buy booze, guns, and explosives all on the same block - but not on Sundays.

A state that produced Michael Jackson ('nuff said)

On the other hand, it IS an improvement over East Rogers Park in Chicago, where I used to live.


** GOD! **

Look at that user name.

I think I’m in love.



it is so nice to go to the beach and find out that it was closed due to E.Coli contamination.

Is anyone else ever tempted to play “Seagulls for Points”?

I’ve said “Fuck you, Indiana,” once or twice myself.

Say, driving from New York City to Chicago. Over the bridge, wave at the Little Red Lighthouse. Here’s New Jersey. Ick. There’s Paterson. Wave at the Falls and think about William Carlos Williams. Hey, it’s getting pretty! Nice big hills! There’s the Delaware Water Gap, Hello, Delaware Water Gap, and now we’re in Pennsylvania. Goodness, this is a wide state. Moutnains mountains flat flat mountains Snow Shoe! Great town name, and we’re halfway across! Space out until we hit Ohio. Don’t make a wrong turn or you’ll end up in Pittsburgh. There’s Cleveland! There’s Sandusky! Wow. Everything sure flattened out, didn’t it? Well, no matter, we’re almost to the end of Ohio and then we’re in Chicago! Mmmmm, I can almost taste that Italian Beef sandwich! Here we go through the toll booth…

Wait! I FUCKING FORGOT ABOUT INDIANA. We have all of FUCKING INDIANA to drive through!

Uke, I’m surprised. You’re the first person I’ve encountered who didn’t have adverse things to say about Ohio when driving the New York-Chicago trip. Indiana may be flat and boring and completely anachronistic, but Ohio smells bad.

Not that Gary is a fucking rose, but Ohio as an entire state stinks of cow ass.

Funny, I have thought of South dakota in much the same way. I even calculated how many 10 megaton bombs it would take to blanket the state…