Fuck you iRenew, ab machines and stupid people

I give you, instant health.

I am so fucking tired of the horseshit I’m bombarded with during commercial breaks while watching TV. Yeah, I know just turn it off. But the part that really pisses me off is the apparent growing stupidity of people in this country.

There must be a hundred different fucking ab machines on the market, 99 percent of which don’t even target your abs. The ones that do will not slim your waist - that’s fat.

Now the iRenew (fuck their spelling too) seems to sidesteps the whole need for actual exercise. Who are these people that keep these snake oil assholes in business?



Yes. I’m sure I will.

Band name.


I’ve mentioned this before. The Ripley’s museum in Atlantic City has a small section on quack medicine of the 1800’s. This includes the"violet ray" and a magnetic belt. I’ve seen red LED healing gizmos sold in the past few years and plenty of magnetic snake oil. It’s horrible to think that we are losing the fight against ignorance.