Fuck you, MLB!

Whether they go on strike or not, the fact that they’re talking seriously about it is enough:

FUCK major league baseball. Fuck them hard and slow and all night and not in a pleasant way. I’ve had enough. I’ve been a fan all my life; I’m one of those people who talk about baseball like it’s a fucking symphony. But in this case, I’ve had it; they’ve pissed me off to the point that the spell is broken, and all I want now is to HURT BACK.

I say let’s take our cue from Reagan with the air-traffic controllers: fire every fecking one of them and ban them from baseball forever. I’ve spent enough time watching the minors to know that the talent is mighty deep. In fact, if that’s what it takes, cut the minors too; I’ll watch college baseball. Hell, I’ll watch fucking high-school baseball before I’ll watch the majors again. A-Rod makes FOUR TIMES my yearly salary in one day! No exaggeration! And he wants us to sympathize with him about his working conditions? He has the goddamned gall to say he’s doing it to keep “future generations from playing under harsh conditions”? Fuck him. He should do my goddam job for a couple years. At the very least, he should shut his mealy mouth during all this.

Yes, I say fire every one of them. Let them dig ditches for minimum wage for a while (which is what they’d ALL be doing if they didn’t have freakish athletic abilities and good high school coaches) and then we’ll see how they bitch about an average of $2.4 mil a year.

This is it. I’m thirty years old, and now, after thirty years, the spell is broken, the love affair is over, and I am THROUGH with major-league baseball. Strike or not, I’m done, because taking the threat this far, whether they strike or not, has proven that they have no idea why people love baseball (i.e., why they have jobs).

Not to mention the fact that the fans have made clear over and over how we feel, and the players have apparently forgotten what is the root source of all the money they make: THE FUCKING FANS, who spend hard-earned dollars to pay easily-earned dollars to the players. We’re done, goddammit!

Cast 'em out on their ears. Every fucking bench-warming second-baseman.

Well, A-Rod did offer to cut his salary 30% to 40%. Ya know, if it would help baseball.

I grew up loving sports in general … one of my first memories is of the ‘91 Braves’ first-half start and how they were 9 1/2 games back of the first-place Dodgers at the all-star break. They went something like 51-17 after the addition of Fred McGriff to their team. They went on to win the division (back when there was no wildcard) and ended up losing to the Twins in seven games.

I also remember the Redskins going to the Super Bowl that year. And the Knicks going to the NBA finals between Jordan stints. And the Capitals making it to the NHL finals.

I have three other sports. Baseball, if you go, … well, you need me. I’m a fan. Without fans you have nothing. Nobody to buy tickets and hot dogs and pay for parking and little kids who ask you for autographs and stare at you, awe-struck, as you say hi to them.

You need fans, baseball. And right now you’re doing fuck-all to keep us.

It’s hard to figure out who I have less sympathy for … the “poorest” MLB players who still make more money in a year than I make in several, or the owners, who have enough money to own a fucking baseball team in the first place. Really, the only people I feel sorry for are the hot dog vendors and people like that, who stand to lose substantial portions of money from any work stoppage.

I’ll watch football from July until January. I’ll watch hockey all fucking year. I’ll watch fucking Arena Football over baseball if y’all strike. Don’t think I won’t … I can watch a little dot move slowly in an elliptical orbit on a black and white television screen for two hours. It doesn’t take much to amuse me.

This fails in so many ways. What we really ought to do is get some big-ass blue-collar workers in that negotiation room to shake some fucking sense into both sides. Get the fans in there to show them why they should quit their fucking whining. Show them what happens when your revenue from fans becomes NOTHING.

Ah… spooje, he recanted that at the earliest opportunity. What a dick.

Angels win, but fans not happy

Last night, disgruntled fans threw stuff onto the field, including baseballs.

Now, if these were thrown from the upper deck, I can understand why the teams would be upset. It’s pretty classless to throw a baseball from way up there - anyone could be seriously injured or killed. But what got me irritated was the sanctimonious attitude the players took. They wish the fans had better class?? Do they even have a clue as to why the fans are pissed??

Ha! They were worried for their safety. Maybe that jolt of reality will bring them closer to the fans. :slight_smile: Nah, maybe not.

No strike.

Dammit! No strike? I was hoping for a long one. One that would finally kill this horrid sport for good, freeing up valuable TV air-time for something, anything better.

Fuck baseball.

Ack! I just finished reading the newlink! (took a while to open)

My favorite part: (paraphrasing here) The rich teams will have to subsidize the poorer team, which may drive up ticket prices!!!

The fans get it up the Ass yet again!

The happier you are, the more potential for misery you have.

So you’re an ignorant philistine. So?

Seperate baseball from the current crop of idiotic owners and their obedient lapdog Bud Seilig from the sport of Baseball.

A sunny afternoon at Wrigley Field- good seats, cold beer, salty peanuts, Sammy hitting them out. Ah yeah! Lots of goof neat parks built lately too. Twins have a real shot this year. Angels too.

Good stuff.

Come on gatopescado, come feel the love.


Us work-a-day Joes just can’t relate to people whos average income is $2.4 million, and who, via their CBA, get 2 seats for each player on plane flights.

You always hear about how greedy the owners are. It is about time that everyone realizes that the players are equally greedy, if not more so. The players shortsightedness will kill the game before the owners greed will.

That said, I’ve haven’t been a big baseball fan since the mid 1980’s. Also, I’m not looking forward to the “work stoppage” that is all but certain to affect the NHL in 2 years.