Fuck you Taco Bell

Why do you close at 2am? That is the same time the bars close. Stay open another hour and get all the bar business.

Not that I would eat at this shit hole.

Go to Carl’s Jr. Drive-thru is open all night.

Or just go to Denny’s. Hey, if you’re drunk anyway, you can’t tell that the food is toxic.

Even if Bell was open after 2, they’re always out of meat!!

Taco Bell has meat? :dubious: Since when?

What, roaches are plants? :wink:

This really depends on the Taco Bell. Ours is open until 04:00. Challupa Maane.

Sigh. MORE litter.
Some people just can’t show up at a party without barfing on the carpet, setting fire to the cat and using the shower curtain for toilet paper because they can’t figure out how to use that complicated white-roll thingy.
