Fuckin' 24 hour days

I gotta work 8 hours. I gotta sleep 8 hours.

I only got 8 hours to drink.

Fuckin’ 24 hour days.

There’s always another beer.

Uh, quit your job?

Don’t be silly Beatle, if he quits his job then he won’t have money for beer. Now, about that sleep thing…

Then how am I gonna buy my beer? :frowning:

There’s always another beer.

My heart just bleeds for you.
Try working 12 hour shifts plus 1 hour commute each way and I still have time to keep a leash on Ayesha.
[flame]Wimp you have it easy![/flame]

t lion

32 Bit Operating System
02 Bit Operator

The solution’s obvious. Get a job in a bar and you can drink at work. Of course, you’ll get fired but there’s lots of bars in the world. The sleep time problem’s a little tougher. Maybe you could work something out with an IV hook-up but that seems like cheating.

As if the damned 24 hour days weren’t bad enough, they go and stick us with this fucking unflavored water, unscented air, and goddamned food that you have to cook yourself. And what’s with this incompetent bastard of a sun they sent us? Where the hell is it at night, when we really need it? Huh? And what’s with all these fariggin’ temperature swings? Can’t this lousy rotten useless fucking lump of cosmic shit planet make up it’s fucking mind? It just makes me sick.
Dr. Watson
“Not your typical Travel Agent.”

ROFL Dr. Watson, mind if I use part of that as my sig? :wink:

And what’s up with these 365 and a quarter day years??? I’ll tell you what Beeruser, you can have the extra 6 hours from each of my years. Will that do it?

Only idea I can think up Beeruser(dammit how do you bolden characters)

Why not work in a pub you could be on the beer 16 hours a day + it would be FREE.

Come to think of it…hmmmmm

Damn, Nemo beat me to it!

I knew a guy who would keep a case of beer on the nightstand. Every hour he would wake up, slam a beer and go back to sleep. Now that’s commitment!

I didn’t want to have to look at his liver, though.

Having a wonderful time on Venus,the atmosphere is a little too hot but each day up here equals 58 of yours an eight hour working day is ok .
Maybe you should join me It’d solve a little problem you folks back on earth seem to have

Lion, I’ll leash you !

BeerUser, I guess you could look into a beer IV for those sleeping hours.

" The opposite of love isn’t hate, it’s indifference."
Elie Wiesel

Voted SDMB Biggest Flirt (Female) and Least Shy (No Mom, I have no idea why they think that)

If you slept in a bathtub filled with beer, would osmosis keep you going?


What about a new metric day? If we broke the day into 100 hours, then you could drink for 33 and a third of them.

And what’s this crap I hear about crap? Like my body doesn’t have anything better to do with food and drink than GET RID OF IT? All the effort I put into getting drunk and then my body SOBERS UP? Damn ungrateful body, half tempted to hold out on it1


“Repent, Harlequin!” Said the Ticktock Man

You think that’s bad? Try:

I have no mouth, yet I must drink!

The best lack all conviction
The worst are full of passionate intensity.

**24 hours in a day.

24 beers in a case.


I think not!**

Voted Poster Most Likely To Post Drunk

"You know how complex women are"

  • Neil Peart, Rush (1993)

Not too bad, Spiritus. However, mine has the redeeming qualities of addressing the OP and of not changing the actual story title I quoted.


When I first read the title of this thread, I thought I saw an “s” after the word “hour” and an “a” before the word “day”. I now find out it is only about beer.

That sucks. :frowning:

You turn me on. But maybe it’s because I just spent 20 years in the jungle, getting it on with anything I could attract with a piece of fruit.