Fucking Dog Walkers and their Fucking Bags

If the dog shit is nasty or enough of a bother for YOU to not want to deal with it why the FUCK do you think its okay to pass your problem over to some other random stranger who has not given you explicit permission to dump your dog shit in their containers?

I have dogs. I love dogs. But I hate most dog owners with the fucking passion of a thousand burning suns. Mainly because they make parents who think their kids are special fucking snowflakes look reasonable by comparision.

Would have been better as “Carnival of Poop” considering current events.

As long as it’s in your yard and I’m not your immediate neighbor, go for it.

Otherwise, I’m with the OP - those little bags stick inside my trash can (the trucks here don’t up-end the cans, just tilt them) and stink, plus they attract vermin/insects. Yuck!

Put saddlebags on your dog or carry some kind of waste-transport bag if you don’t want to juggle poop bags.

One thing that always makes me smile about the good people that pick their dog’s crap up is that they’ve always got the bags prominently displayed, even before the dog poops. No hiding them in a pocket until they’re ready to use them, they’re flying out in the open from the get go, proclaiming “I’m a picker upper!” Heh, I’d do the same.

In fact, If I had dog poop to pick up I’d get one of those bright green neon glo-sticks and put it in the bag with them. Someone sees you carrying a bag of green day-glo crap and they’re gonna think “Oh my god, what’s he been eating? What must that smell like?”

I think it’s OK since the neighbors do it, as I’ve never even seen a note on a can about it, and as the neighborhood association makes it extremely easy, even for non-members, to complain. Again, it might be different here.

I feel entitled to the point of hearing a slight objection. No one brings their dogs to my neighborhood to walk. (insert .999999% of walkers who walk here from neighborhood locals such that they might use cans, but due to their location are also 99% less likely to get shit in their cans than my neighborhood due to logistics.

They have those downtown but not in the neighborhoods.

I have lived in this neighborhood for almost twenty years and have had a dog almost all of that time. I have never once had someone comment about dog poop in trash cans. It honestly didn’t occur to me that someone would have a problem with using garbage cans for garbage.

Ha! You better believe I display my bags like friggen pom pons! Ain’t no one gonna’ accuse me of not trying to pick it up!!

Well, I never toss the poop bags into someone else’s trash unless invited (there have been people who have said, “Do you want to dump that?” And yes, I do.)

But while it’s still poop, it’s also poop inside a tied plastic bag. I get that it smells, and I think it’s rude to drop it into an empty residential trash can that’s sitting on the curb waiting to be taken into the garage. But it’s not live poop. It’s contained.

I mean, come on. I walk my dog a lot. A hell of a lot of people don’t even bag it, they just leave it where it falls. Other people bag it, and then leave the bags. Seems to me that putting it in a bag and in an actual garbage receptacle is two steps forward from just leaving it on the lawn.

If my trash can is sitting on the street, I don’t care if someone puts bagged dog poop into it. I don’t think most of my neighbors care, either. Another neighborhood I walk in a lot has dumpsters for every couple of houses, in the alley. I don’t feel bad at all about dropping the bag into one of these. Or into a public trash can, either.

ETA: Where I live, all the trash containers are city-owned, whether it’s a dumpster or a bin, so maybe people just aren’t as possessive about them. Also almost nobody keeps them inside.

Around here folks were fond of throwing the poop bags into the recycling bin after trash pickup. I got bad enough that the trash collectors started putting the bins upside down once they emptied them so that there was less temptation. At least once I have had someone right the bin and toss in a poop bag.

Mind you, there is also a portion of dog owners who think that if the sidewalk is not in front of someone’s house then it is a no collection area. There is a huge chunk of sidewalk near a post office parking lot that is a poop minefield. Reminds me of walking in the city before the pooper scooper laws were brought in.

Where do you put the kitty poop?

Yes you do apparently.

Let me repeat this. If the dog shit is no big deal for the victim/target, then it is by definition also no big deal for you to deal with your own dog shit without getting them involved.

If the dog shit IS a big deal for you deal with, then, again it is by definition also a big deal for the target/victim to deal with…so again take care of your own shit without involving anyone else.

When I walk the dog I either take the poop bag back home with me or dispose of the bag in a municipal can. There is only one can on our regular route, and it’s a 50/50 shot as to whether or not I have a poop bag when we pass it.

I would probably be a little peeved if you were using my can for your waste, so I won’t use your can for my waste.

I can’t wait to hear the answer to this.

First of all, he lives on the same street as us, so you’d think in the 5+ years he’s lived here, he’d have realized that we were going to pass by again and pick up the bag. In 18 years of walking dogs, we’ve never had an issue, except for him.

Secondly, this is a very common practice for dog walkers who do laps. I can’t imagine going to the trouble of bagging poop and then throwing it in a bush. The whole point of bagging it is out of courtesy. Not picking it up afterward defeats the entire purpose.

BTW, I only put the blue bag on the curb of my street because it’s the only part of our path that is retraced. Otherwise, I carry it the entire time. The neighbors who’ve offered up their trash cans are on this longer segment. Two of them I personally know (and have dogs) and one I’d never met before. They obviously have no issue with me picking up after my dog, but rather they are being kind because they realize how unsavory it is to walk for 3 miles carrying around a bag of dog crap.

Handy household tip: to eliminate the need to carry and then dispose of bags of dogshit, put the dog in your own bin and carry it with you on walks.

He was a wacko before this incident. (Let’s just say that his wife and son cower in his presence.) He was an asshole for tracking my daughter down and throwing a bag of dog shit at her.

That is, until I drop something on top of it that breaks the bags.

The main time you (he generic you) are going to do this is on trash day, so your dog shit is going to be in my trash can longer than any trash I put in there (the trash is picked up very early, so most dog shit ends up in the can after it’s been emptied). When not on the curb, my trashcans are inside my fence, but still right by the sidewalk. I can’t believe the assholes who will come into my yard to put their dog shit in my trash bin.

It’s this society we live in where everyone thinks their own needs are so much more important than anyone else’s. Who cares if it’s your property. I’ve got dog shit to get rid of, and I don’t want to carry it.

Chrimeny, folks. I would never in a million years think it was OK to throw dog shit in someone else’s trash. It’s fucking shit, for fucking Chist’s sake.

Good thing you don’t live around me. My HOA would have issued you a violation for leaving your trash can out over night.


At my last neighborhood, even the people who had garages stored their cans outside. The only person who had an issue with people dropping dog poop into their can was my Crazy Neighbor Lady. (But then, she had issues with everyone and everything.)

I would encourage people to walk up my driveway to drop their bags of poop into my can. That’s MUCH better than finding bags’o’poop or unbagged poop in my culvert.

Now, everyone stores their cans inside. Many people have little enclosures attached to their garages, or store their cans in their garage. I can really see the objection to having a bag of poop in a garage for a week.

I’ve waved with an empty, ready poop bag on my hand like a glove at the frowning elderly neighbor who was charging out of her house to yell at me. Watching her have to stop and readjust herself into a smiling benevolent elder in a split-second was awesome.