Fucking Dog Walkers and their Fucking Bags

OP, I am a guilty party. A polite sign would make me use another can. That should work as a pissy sign might make assholish owners do it to spite you.

I try to only use cans that stay out in the curb all week and, at the worst, use those in the alley and never make it to a garage. Personally, I also double bag. I do it because until recently I had 2 over 70 pound dogs and would end up with three large bags of crap that I’d need to tote for over 2 miles.

Yes, that’s probably a selfish stance. But, your issue is likely easily resolved with a nice sign/note on your can. If it continues, then get mad.

On the positive side, these would be great for curls.

Put a backpack on one of the dogs, and let them schlep their own poop. Really, just because you chose to have 2 large dogs doesn’t give you a pass at putting shit, literal shit, in anyone’s garbage can.

Someone who dumps their poo into your empty trash can on a regular basis obviously walks their dog past your house pretty often. I’d start dumping the poo bag out on the street every time it happens. Hopefully they’ll see it and be like, well maybe I should do something different next time.

I also agree that taping a polite note on the front and top of the can saying, “No animal waste, please” would be a good idea.

Great idea, since two wrongs make a right! And the neighbors, I’m sure, will just love it!

** lieu**, it’s been a long morning, and you might need to explain the joke.

** John Mace**, I’m fairly sure this is a neighborhood standard. Also, although it is shit, it’s double bagged and won’t actually ever touch the can shit. When I leave my cans at the curb I always end up with bags that I’m happier to have rather than shit on my grass.

If I lived elsewhere, I might think differently. Also, until about 2 years ago all of us had only back alley collection. Now, if the can is in that area, it’s fairly clear the can will never be stored elsewhere. Agree they were my dogs, my choice, but I’ll continue my practice until objected to via note. Our neighborhood association meetings have never addressed the issue either.

Dog owner here. If I’m walking up my dead end street, I’ll toss the bag on the curb and pick it up on my return trip. Otherwise, I carry the bags with me until we return home and toss them into my trash. Some kind neighbors have offered the use of their cans, but I feel odd disposing of my dog’s crap in their trash, so I never take them up on it.

My daughter had a run in with the wacko up the street who saw her toss the bag in the curb on her way up the street. He felt the need to get in his truck and track her down. He tossed the bag at her, saying, “You forgot your dog shit.”

Yeah, thanks asshole.

PunditLisa, but in such a circumstance how would he know she was coming back? And if several neighbors have offered their cans it sounds like this has been an issue/misunderstanding.

Our association isn’t like a homeowners’ association as it’s informal and we all get notice of every meeting. I hate to stir anyone up though as with the amount of pretty crap brought up, I assume someone would have already vented.

This, pretty much. Here, most people leave their cans outside all the time, in which case I have no problem putting poop bags in them. On garbage day, I do try to choose cans that belong to houses with obvious outdoor can areas but I can’t say I really worry about it that much. On the scale of injustices, poop bags in your trash can ranks pretty low.

In all fairness, most people have shit from all kinds of animals all over their property.

Fine. I won’t pick up my dog’s crap anymore. Happy?

Cheapest. Wristweights. Ever. :wink:

That’s what I thought this rant was going to be about. I walk through an off-leash area to get to my local grocery store, and the area is littered with plastic-enclosed poop (and of course just regular poop, because there are a lot of dog owners who think the rules don’t apply to them :rolleyes: ). I did think it was better to throw the poop in some garbage can than just leave it lying around, but I can understand not wanting someone else’s poop in your can.

Sorry, but I’ve seen enough bags of poop on the side of the street that nobody has ever come back to pick up.

If I saw someone tossing a poop bag, why on earth would I assume that they were coming back?

So I guess I’m a wacko and an asshole too.

FTR, I have gone up to people in a park who were walking away from their dog’s recent dump, and said “excuse me, you forgot to pick up - here is a spare bag” I did not assume that they were going to come back to get it later.

(It was 20 feet from to a children’s playground for Christ’s sake)

Someone in my neighborhood doesn’t even use bags. They just use a paper towel or wad of newspaper. Then dump the thing into my bin. So OP, at least you don’t have that going on.

Thanks ** lieu** got it. Despite moniker it is technically natural so I’ll claim a blonde moment. :slight_smile:

I never do this because my dog is trained to go in the park near us, and I dispose of the poop in the trash cans there. It is a private park, and since they have poop bags out this is fine. However the trash gets emptied once a week or so, and I have never smelled anything even when there are a bunch of bags sitting in the trash during summer.
I’d have zero problems if someone put their bagged dog poop in my trash can. It would happily co-exist with what we clean from our back lawn. Given this happens once a week, and assuming you have enough space in your can so that your trash is not pushed out by this little bag, I’m seeing the habit as being slightly impolite but no big deal.

Slight hijack: I live in a condo tower, don’t own a dog, and still have to deal with dog shit. Recently, management had to put up a sign near the back door leading to the driveway and dog walk area telling people not to let their dog shit INSIDE the door. I’ve also encountered dog shit in the elevator and just outside the elevator.

I don’t understand it. If you’re not willing to clean up and deal with dog shit, then don’t own a dog. Quite simple, really.

What else do you put in your trashcan that it doesn’t stink up your garage? We use refuse sacks in ours but it still reeks when it’s full.

I thought the rant was going to be about people hanging bags of dog shite from railings as is a common sight around here.

Plus are there municipal bins by you at all? Anyone walking a dog around here wouldn’t have far to walk before they encountered one of these.

He saw your daughter littering, bit of an extreme reaction but I don’t think it makes him an asshole in this scenario.