Fucking fake quotes on the internet

Snopes belives that belongs to Larry Miller.

Try this source.

[Quote Investigator]
(http://quoteinvestigator.com/). They’re also on Twitter.

-Mitt Romney.

–Michael Scott

" Jesus saves. Moses invests. "

  • Henny Youngman

The same guy who wrote “De more people smoke herb, de more Babylon fall”?
OK, maybe. :wink:

[quote=“GuanoLad, post:42, topic:665343”]

Try this source.

this guy’s a linguist. He’s on my listserve. Totally the best around.

Thank you both, GuanoLad and samclem, for the information.
Thanks to everyone else for the laughs. :smiley:

You are absolutely correct Sir! Bob Marley did NOT write this love quote. I did. Years ago while sitting on my couch! I’m honored that the world loves it and thinks he did write it but the fact is I did! It’s actually amusing how it was taken off my Facebook page and circulated for years with his name on it! Thank you for questioning this. Just thought you’d be happy to know you were right. :slight_smile:

This guy nailed it in his investigative work. Check it out. http://message.snopes.com/showthread.php?t=90419

I am a 38 year old woman who is a huge romantic and yes… I have a desk job and work long hours. Long enough for me to write great things like this :slight_smile:

YES! I wrote in years ago and put it under my “notes” on Facebook. Someone must have taken it and posted it on the Internet. 5 years later. Here we are and everyone thinks Bob Marley wrote it. He didn’t. I did one day while sitting on my couch. Mystery solved. It’s kind of amusing and at the same time frustrating to know something that came from my heart is making its rounds with someone else’s name on it! ~ Karen Governale

There’s a bullshit one about Steve Jobs making the rounds right now. It would be nice to think he repudiated his wealth and achievements on his deathbed, but how dumb do you have to be to believe that?

Welcome to our world, kareng. Whenever somebody quotes one of our signed Staff Reports they usually attribute it to Cecil Adams.

My wife claims origination of, “A man without a god is like a fish without a bicycle,” which is usually misquoted and misattributed. First posted on a ladies room wall in about 1973. She might’ve stolen it.

Congrats, but I’m not sure where to send my voluntary “quote residuals” check…

Please accept my apology for saying that your quote was too long for me to bother reading. I try not to be dismissive and insulting to my fellow Dopers.

As a general rule.

Its those damn liberals changing “HIS” words! jeb!? hand me a bible cruz.

An entire section of the Monticello website is devoted to Spurious Quotations attributed to Thomas Jefferson. Many of the fakes were created for political motives. Others are smarmy motivational mottos from the mid-20th century.

Mount Vernon has one page for bogus Washington quotes*.

Most of the bogus quotations are nothing like a man born in the 18th century would say or write. All the works & letters of the Founders are freely available on the 'net. Grrrr…

  • A debate coach from long ago taught us that “quotation” is a noun; “quote” is a verb.

I feel for you. I sold an inspirational quote for a poster in 1992, and years later
another company stole it and published it on a magnet with the wrong attribution.
They admitted their mistake…but that quote has now gone viral online, with the other guy’s name associated with it. :mad:

It’s been two years and change, and this thread is still the only Google result for that quote. Nice try, though.

My personal unfavorite: George Washington on gun rights

Yeah, no. He never said that.

Actually it’s been confirmed on the interweb that it goes all the way back to Aesop’s tales - indeed, and all th at hi sn’ t in, tails.