Fucking idiots at washingtonpost.com!

So I log on this afternoon and see that Carolyn Hax is doing online discussions again. She’s back from maternity leave! Great! But when I try to read the transcript, IE (5.01) starts chasing its own tail, cycling back and forth between two URLs and never displaying a damn thing on the screen. I “View Source” and see it’s some kind of Javascript garbage. :mad:

First, why the fuck do you need that crap? What’s wrong with just using absolute URLs that point at the discussion transcripts?

Second, if your lawyers make you do it that way or something, do you think you could hire somebody slightly smarter than an ass-scratching ape to do the goddamn coding??

Fucking shitclowns.

All I get is a registration form.

You know about www.bugmenot.com for passwords?

Third, you could speed up loading from your site considerably if you stopped hiring hamsters that were forcibly “retired” by the SDMB tech staff. Sure they’re cheaper than new hamsters, but are the pennies you save really worth the performance hit?


I haven’t had anything to do with wapo online since they started that nonsense of demanding to know my gender, year of birth and location before I could read a damned article. (Nothing bugmenot.com could do with that, and it didn’t exist back then anyway.) I understand that they’ve done away with the practice, but it was such a crappy way of attempting to garner demographics it made it clear that their web department were, well, ass-scratching apes (good one!) and I can get my news from the Google aggregate.

In short, feh on wapo.com.

Silly girl. Lie!

I take great pride in personally skewing their statistics to hell and back by claiming to be a 102-year old Albanian male every time I’m asked those types of questions. :smiley:

Yeah, the password thing kind of bugs me too. I used to claim to be a 5-year-old girl from Beverly Hills when they were doing the geography thing. :slight_smile: