Fucking Idiots, Put Up a Sign When You're Stripping the Floor

Okay, here’s the deal: I work in a grocery store and the president of the company is coming in on Thursday to give an employee an award. Because of this the store is in overdrive mode with employees from other stores shipped in and regular employees working odd shifts to make sure everything is gorgeous when he arrives. I’m scheduled to work today and tomorrow, Midnight until 8:00AM EST. What’s that you say? It’s 3 AM EST right now, why am I home? Well that’s a good story.

I arrived at work five minutes early for my scheduled shift and went to work with a gusto. I take pride in the fact that even though my job could be done by a monkey I’m such a hard worker I got to fill out my last employee evaluation. About half-an-hour in I need to go onto another aisle to see if there is freight that could be worked up. Here’s where it gets interesting.

My company recently contracted outsiders to do our floors; for the rest of this post they will be referred to as “Fucking Idiots.” The Fucking Idiots have been doing a horrible job from the start. “Hey, Fucking Idiot, why don’t you go clean an aisle where no is working instead of pulling all my freight off my aisle, thus slowing me down immensely?” as an example. Well they beat that tonight. When I came around the corner I quickly discovered that the Fucking Idiots were stripping the end of the aisles starting with the floor right around the corner from my aisle. Where I can’t see anything until I come around the corner and BUST MY FUCKING HEAD OPEN!!!

I’m so pissed I fucked up and hit submit.

Continuing rant…

I honestly tried to save myself but since the floor was so slick my hands just flew out to the sides and I cracked my head open on the temple. One of the Fucking Idiots then claimed it wasn’t that bad and it wasn’t their fault. Let’s see if I get this straight: you tape off every aisle but mine (I’m on aisle one), you start around the corner where I have no idea what you’re doing (UNTIL I COME AROUND THE CORNER AND BUST MY FUCKING HEAD OPEN), you don’t even bother to tell me what you’re doing or put up a wet floor sign and this is somehow my fault?

Let’s do a quick check, how many employees have slipped and hurt themselves on account of the Fucking Idiots dumb asses? Including me, three in the past week (I didn’t know about the other two until I busted my head open today, otherwise I would have been more careful). But it’s not their fault. No, they are immune because the God of Fucking Idiots absorbs all their sins and fuck ups and transports them onto people they’ve sent to the hospital.

But it gets better. He asks to take a look at it, I let him, and then he tells me I just need a band-aid. Well, gee, Doctor Idiot, did you notice that it’s over an inch long, branches off and won’t stop bleeding? Fuckhead.

Eight fucking stitches. That’s what these shit-for-brain’s laziness cost me. And let me tell you, it sucks to be me getting stitches because local anesthetics don’t work fully on me. No, to get me to feel no pain I have to get an elephant shot that then numbs half my face. So I’m stuck with the wonderful feeling of a goddamn needle being stuck in my head. What that’s you say Fucking Idiot, it can’t be that bad? Tell you what, I’ll get some skewers from aisle four and I’ll show you how bad it is.

I suppose I could feel grateful towards the Fucking Idiots for getting me out of work for the rest of the night, but I don’t. First off my eye is swollen with eight stitches in it and I look like a Doctor Frankenstein reject. It fucking hurts. Secondly I feel really bad for our manager (a hard working decent fellow IMO) because he’s only been in the store for a month, the store is terminally fucked-up due to bad department management and upper management cutting hours; who’s lost three employees in a week on account of your shit-filled, rotting, evolutionary-missing- link, no-neurons-firing, Fucking Idiot selves; and has the president of the company coming in on Thursday. And on top of all that I’m going back into work tomorrow night, against the Doctor’s suggestion, to try to salvage as much of my department as possible before the President shows up (my department is populated with lazy and/or incompetent people, except for my department manager who is out on sick-leave due to an accident unrelated to the Fucking Idiots).

So. I’m fucking pissed.

see a lawyer - don’t sign anything.

yes, the legal system sucks, but play it for all it’s worth - welcome to workman’s comp!

Nah, not my style. If something odd develops out of this then I’ll go after them, but my company has an exemplary track record when it comes to taking care of employees injured on the job. I’m part time and my job gives me better health care than most people with full-time careers. Besides, the only thing my job has me fill out is an accident report, and you don’t sign away your right to anything with that. I doubt my job is going to give me a hard time over this, but worst case scenario I can just sic the union on them.

Companies have insurance to cover this sort of stuff. At a minimum, you should sue because both the contractor and your store created a hazardous work environment, and did NOTHING to fix it.

The Big Question is… After the first person fell, did they fix the problem? Big Answer… No!

IMHO, that’s bullshit and these people need to remember that endangering the lives of workers is not acceptable. If you want to say “I just fell down” that’s fine. I recall a recent event in Harrison, NY (memory don’t fail me now) where a kid got punched and fell down. He died because he fell and hit his head the wrong way, if he fell the other direction he would have been fine.

Damn right you should sic the union on them. You should talk to a lawyer and the union, or a union lawyer. Heck, that’s what your union dues are for, right? I’m totally not one in favor of frivolous lawsuits, but this one has valid written all over it.

BTW, disobeying your doctor’s orders to go to your part time job that can be done by a “monkey” in order to make sure the store that caused your injury looks pretty for the big wig is a really bad idea. Do what the doctor says.

I think I wasn’t clear. I’m not violating my doctor’s orders. He recommended I take another day off just to make sure the swelling goes down and decrease the risk of my hitting the wound again and making it worse, but he left the decision up to me.

Also I’m not sure where there is a lawsuit. I got hurt relatively minorly, my job payed for the doctor’s bills and I was paid for the rest of my eight hour shift (after working a whopping half-hour).

I suppose its possible that the idiots doing the floor were never warned by my job but I doubt that. They roped off every area but mine until I fell and I don’t recall them doing that before. I’m going to have to talk to my manager about that but I’m pretty sure that he had to have warned them, he’s not the type of guy to let shit like this slide.

I am usually against lawsuits of this nature, but in this instance it might be worth an exploratory visit with a lawyer.

It’s not YOUR company that needs to suffer the ills of a lawsuit, but the floor-finishing company. They’re the ones who apparently didn’t properly adjust their procedures after three other people fell down. They’re creating a hazardous working environment.

Unfortunately, to get the floor-finishing company, you might have to sue your company, who would in turn sue the floor-finishing company. I’m not at all clear on how the law works in this regard.