Fucking passwords

I have too many. You probably have too many as well.

  1. Windows 2000 at work. I have to change it every six months. It also automatically changes my Outlook password, but somehow, on the test bench, using Win XP, it doesn’t work.

  2. My work internet access password, which, for some reason, doesn’t match my Win2K password.

  3. Hi, Opal!

  4. My electronic timesheet at work. A different password altogether.

  5. My two Hotmail accounts. Different passwords.

  6. My PlanetSucks password, which I didn’t choose.

  7. My PIN.

  8. My online banking password.

  9. My password when calling my bank to access information about my account. It’s an actual word I have to say to the person.

  10. My home internet access password.

  11. My password on the metrodemontreal.com forum.

  12. My password to retrieve my phone messages.

  13. A different password when I call to check my phone bill information.

  14. Because I don’t like lists of 13. I’m triskadecaphobic.

Thank God SDMB uses cookies.

  • s.e.

I have an encrypted document with all my passwords so I only have to remember my PGP password. I print it out and it is in tiny print and printed on both sides. Folded in four it is about the size of a credit card so I can keep it handy if I want. I have not counted the number but well above 14. I would guess probably above 50




(Signs you live in the year 2002

  1. You just tried to enter your password on the microwave.

I have only 3 passwords I use regularly. They are ranked by how important I think the thing getting the password is. Some really important things use a different password.

Somehow I still managed to fuck myself with passwords. I needed to install xwindows ontop of MacOS X. I have forgotten my administrator password and there for cannot install anything real important. I gave myself the following clue: duh.

I hate my past self, that fucking bastard.

You know where i screw myself over? Usernames. Someplaces ask for my email address–I can remember those–but some places want unique names, and every time I latch onto a “standard”, it’s taken at the next place I try to register at. I am always careful to remember passwords, but I tend to forget what username goes where.

Hey, all you have to do is write all of your userids / passwords on piece of paper and tape it to the side of your monitor. That’s what everyone does where I work…

I found out something interesting when my work made us change passwords every x weeks. Though W2K insisted that a new password be typed in, it didn’t actually check that it was different from the old one…

Of course YIMV (Your Installation May Vary)

Re: Fucking passwords

Hey Scott, I have the fucking password, but I’ll have to whisper it in your ear. Since when did we need a password for that, anyway? :smiley:

I only need 10 or 12 at work, and maybe 2 or 3 at home. The three at home are no sweat because I can choose them to be identical. At work I am on critcal public telecommunications lines, so every system I access for troubleshooting has to be a different password, and worse still it has to be some obscure mixture of letters and numbers that don’t mean anything. On top of that, I have to change them every 60 days and I can’t toggle between two familiar password because the system remembers my last 4 passwords, and requires me to make a new “totally unique” one each time.

All of this security is defeated by me keeping a password list in my desk drawer.

I also keep a password list in my drawer, along with all my usernames. You’d think it would be easy. I only have 5 or 6 passwords, and basically one username. But I have used lolagranola, lolagranola1, LolaG, LolaG1, lolagranola1998 (or whatever year), mslolagranola, lolagranolacan, etc… And with which password?

Luckily I don’t need work passwords too. My home life is complicated enough.

My life requires at least 30 passwords to function. Thankfully, they are all for the most part, variations of the same word, changed in length to match the administrator’s(of whatever website) minimum length.

And I don’t take my passwords very serious, either…nothing of mine is that important.


Password Safe. It’s free and it works well. All you have to remember is the password to it.

This is exactly why that evil piece of spyware Gator got around.