New, from New Zealand:
“If you ain’t got a rubba, then we no hubba hubba.”
“I know, we’ll use that ethnic music, that ‘Hip-Hop’ all the kids seem to ‘dig’ to sell them on the benefits of prophylaxis!”
Where’s that rolleyes fountain?
New, from New Zealand:
“If you ain’t got a rubba, then we no hubba hubba.”
“I know, we’ll use that ethnic music, that ‘Hip-Hop’ all the kids seem to ‘dig’ to sell them on the benefits of prophylaxis!”
Where’s that rolleyes fountain?
Our radio station has a breastfeeding PSA that has one track with a Barry White sound-alike singing. It’s… disturbing to hear someone sensually singing about breastfeeding, to say the least.
And that’s not as bad as the country variation on the message…
What is a PSA?
Public Service Announcements. Broadcast for “the good of society” and made by various causes.
It is especially stupid because the group it is aimed at will roll their eyes so far back in their heads that they may explode.
Well, with their heads missing, they won’t be able to pop out any baby Kiwis so it looks like the public service announcements will be a rousing success.
A Kiwi, and not a hip-hop fan, and as ready as anyone to point the finger at Helen Clark’s nanny state, but this one doesn’t really bug me: I figure it’s particularly aimed at Maori and PI teens, who have a disproportionate rate of teen pregnancies, and are often into hip-hop. It’s not a lame “just say no” campaign, they figure kids are going to have sex anyway, so why not encourage them to do it as safely as possible - OK, the lyrics seem pretty dumb {from the 15 seconds I heard on the news, but then I think most hip-hop lyrics are dumb anyway. What the hell - at least they’re trying.
Yes but the VERY dumb “lyrics” are exactly why the PI and Maori (and a good proportion of Pakeha kids too) kids won’t listen to it.
I can imagine Scribe coming up with a version of it just to take the piss and that will be what they listen to.
The breastfeeding PSAs (which we run only because they’re funny as hell) aside, we’ve got another one sponsored by the Mormon church. This one has a spot where this guy buys copious hand lotion and handkerchiefs to “keep his hands soft for his wife Mary.”. Except I don’t think Mary’s his wife. If you catch my drift.
OK, the Pirate version:
Aarr! Ye’re a lubber
If ye don’t use a rubber
I dig your groove man.
Make it a fruity flavour.
Or, the Navy version:
Before you sink her subba,
Dive into a rubba!
Too bad you’re not in the US we had David Schwimmer doing date rape infomercials. I was so totally going to put some GHB in a girls drink until Ross told me not to.
Of course we young and happening dudes always get down with celebrities and animations singing hip hop-ish crap.
Ahhh we youthful types are so easy to mould.
Tell them exactly the opposite of what you want them to do
YESSSSSSSSSS I am taking the piss. The “kid’s of today” know when they are being patronised, much the same as when we were the “kid’s of today” and we knew when we were being patronised.
But we were on a break!