Fuel Catalyst?

In my local motorcycle shop the sell a ‘fuel catalyst’ for $50, it’s two metal looking pellets in a plastic cage about the size of a 35 mm film case. You drop these into your fuel tank and you get more power, better fuel economy, easier starts, better sex life, eat all you want and still loose weight, etc.

Here is their pitch on how it works–

From this website http://www.customfuelcatalyst.com/index.htm it’s a different brand than the one a saw, but they make the same claims.

So is this complete BS, does it make an improvement to small to be noticed, or does it :rolleyes: really work?

Okay, I’ve been sitting here putting “fitch catalyst” into Google, and all my scam alarms are going off. The only websites that I can find that say yeah, this works, are the ones that are selling it, motorcyle shops included. I find the factoid “tested by the U.S. Department of Energy Oak Ridge Laboratory” widely repeated, however, this doesn’t prove anything, other than the fact that they tested it.

The most I can find is this:


If you read it carefully, all it really says is that Oak Ridge found that the catalyst does change the fuel composition, in the direction of higher energy-fuel constituents. This doesn’t necessarily mean that the resulting brew of low and high-octane “constituents” is going to make your engine run better.

Adding an aspirin to the water in a vase changes the constituents, too, but it doesn’t necessarily mean your flowers will last longer.

My understanding of the “catalytic cracking process” was that it required specialized equipment to deliver heat and pressure, a factory, refinery, etc., that it wasn’t something where you just drop some kind of metal in and poof! you’ve got instant high-octane fuel. But IANA petroleum engineer, so hey…

So personally I’m gonna go with “no, it doesn’t work”, just based on consumer instincts. And think about it–if it did work, wouldn’t it be more mainstream? Wouldn’t we be hearing about it on the news, especially with gas prices inching back up towards $2 a gallon?

Thank you DDG Master of Google, I used Google but didn’t get any sites that debunked the fuel catalyst. I was very skeptical which is why I posted here.

I had exactly the same luck (or lack thereof) as DDG, so I didn’t post. All I got were references that it was tested at Oak Ridge - which itself doesn’t mean anything. I also read many online non-scientific tests, which are not even worth linking here, as they typically came down to such qulaifiers as “the car seemed to run better”, or “the weedeater started in only 2 pulls instead of 4”, etc. I saw no scientific testing at all worth linking to. This in itself does not mean it has no merit, but sends up warning flags.

From the site linked by DDG, I saw that they said that “Oak Ridge found that the catalyst does change the fuel composition, in the direction of higher energy-fuel constituents.” I would like to know how this happens - the first law applies to chemical reactions as well as anything else. Barring the addition of heat to the catalyst, I wonder just how the gasoline molecules (yes, I know gasoline is not one molecule, but a whole zoo of them) re-arrange themselves in higher energy configurations.

So the short answer is - wait until someone trustworthy tests it.